Marilyn Monroe TributephotoMarilyn Monroe Tribute3 LovesSue Swank shootphotoSue Swank shoot10 Loves
June 2011
daynacowg4webphotodaynacowg4web14 LovesLet it SnowphotoLet it Snow6 LovesRosalind Friday by Edson Carlos 4photoRosalind Friday by Edson Carlos 431 Loves
May 2011
Join My circusphotoJoin My circus7 LovesComing soon! IN PRINT, a…Ahhh, we've been asked so many times to launch a proper magazine, at one point we did explore the option, but neither of us are publishers, or layout geeks. We had dreams of a layout like the old sch…DiscussionComing soon! IN PRINT, a…39 LovesRomantic death 2photoRomantic death 26 LovesMIrror MirrorphotoMIrror Mirror10 LovesCatherine Jones - Boudoir LouisvillephotoCatherine Jones - Boudoir Louisville2 LovesCatherine Jones - Boudoir LouisvillephotoCatherine Jones - Boudoir Louisville2 LovesCatherine Jones - Boudoir LouisvillephotoCatherine Jones - Boudoir Louisville3 LovesMidway - Boudoir Louisville - Pinup Photogra…photoMidway - Boudoir Louisville - Pinup Photogra…4 LovesMidway - Boudoir Louisville - Pinup Photogra…photoMidway - Boudoir Louisville - Pinup Photogra…2 LovesScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…photoScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…1 LoveScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…photoScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…1 LoveScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…photoScooter & Christy on the Midway - Boudoir Lo…1 LoveBoudoir Louisville - Pinup girl - Las Vegas…photoBoudoir Louisville - Pinup girl - Las Vegas…3 Loves'Paper Moon Pretty' Photophoto'Paper Moon Pretty' Photo2 LovesSpooky!photoSpooky!4 Loves2011photo20113 Loves