Black Dahlia BurlesquephotoBlack Dahlia Burlesque9 LovesAt makeup school!photoAt makeup school!1 LoveHigh wasted pants are a god send!photoHigh wasted pants are a god send!1 LoveTried some lipstick shading!photoTried some lipstick shading!1 LoveMargot - 119molewebphotoMargot - 119moleweb17 LovesMickyphotoMicky1 Lovepretty in the parkphotopretty in the park2 LovesWindows viewphotoWindows view7 LovesNot too hard!photoNot too hard!7 LovesRelaxingphotoRelaxing3 Lovesbur(n)lesque fire showphotobur(n)lesque fire show2 LovesMy love for BettiephotoMy love for Bettie3 LovesA bit fetishphotoA bit fetish10 LovesJessie-LynneMemberJessie-Lynne2 LovesPhoto 607photoPhoto 6071 Love2013 Coffee Table Bookphoto2013 Coffee Table Book2 Loves2013 Coffee Table Bookphoto2013 Coffee Table Book5 Lovesoooh betty !photooooh betty !3 Loves…photo…3 LovesUpbeat, Reliable Female needed for Website C…eventUpbeat, Reliable Female needed for Website C…10 LovesAfter the ShowphotoAfter the Show7 Loves