.photo.1 Love.photo.3 Loves.photo.2 Loves.photo.1 Love.photo.2 Loves.photo.1 Love.photo.4 Loves.photo.9 LovesIMG_9902photoIMG_99022 LovesIMG_9948photoIMG_99483 LovesBlue SashphotoBlue Sash2 LovesThe GaragephotoThe Garage2 LovesGaragephotoGarage7 LovesHousewifephotoHousewife8 LovesDrawn that way...photoDrawn that way...9 LovesDrawn that way...photoDrawn that way...26 LovesRedrum Collaboration photoRedrum Collaboration 3 LovesClassic CarsI'm a big fan of the 50's-60's cars, so I just thought I'd ask what everyone's favorite classic car is!
My favorite without a doubt is the 1957 Chevy Bel Air!DiscussionClassic Cars8 Lovesvalentines shootphotovalentines shoot16 LovesBondi by Miss Missy PhotographyphotoBondi by Miss Missy Photography17 LovesPin-up Perfection photography_6photoPin-up Perfection photography_616 Loves