The life-long question that plagues some people (mostly women) has finally been answered. "Where's my pony?" and "I want a pony" are oft-times common childhood dreams and practicality, cost and logistics usually rule this out as a pet. Most find a way to cope with the empty space that not having a pony can cause (a lot of them by claiming that daddy didn't hug them enough and compensating with impressive pole-dancing). It looks like though for seniors in Prince Edward Island though that they are FINALLY getting their pony...
Miniature horse therapy has been added to a seniors home at the O'Leary Community Center. The idea being that the horses are small enough for them to interact with but that they are able to develop a bond with them. The full story can be read at for all the details...
I'd like to go one further and get the breeders to breed them smaller so they can be pocket ponies. If a breed of pony were available that were the size of a house cat, Id be all over that like ugly on a moose. They'd be the next huge trend and when walking at home in Vancouver Yaletown would see miniature ponies peeking out of knock off Louis Vuitton and Chanel bags. East Vancouver wouldn't have crazy cat ladies, they'd have crazy pony ladies with herds of little horses all over their porch eating grass...
On second thought, maybe we should just leave it to the seniors....
Little Miss Risk
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