since i'm dying in my level 200 A&P class, i've decided that maybe nursing isn't for me.
which is quite alright because i'm sincerely opposed to cerulean blue.
i am now an ENGLISH major
(f*** off science)
You may ask "What can one do with a B.A. in English?"
i'm going to teach your children English (they'll love me, you probably won't)
pillow rollers in, notebooks open, tub of rainbow chip icing beside me and i'm ready to crank out a few papers.
thank you to everyone who has welcomed me to PL so far (i'm so glad i'm here!)
to do:
1. hemingway paper.
2. fix baby's pitiful blanket
3. scrounge for change to buy ciggs.
4. eat icing with alexis <3
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