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I love shoes.
I know I'm not the first one to profess this love and it's awfully cliched, but I love shoes.
I love heels and boots and wedges and even flats. All are worthy in my eyes.
(Well, except for Uggs and Crocs. The less said about them, the better. I have a sneaky suspicion though that when the apocalypse comes, cockroaches will be making their homes in them. You mark my words.)
You know those shoes no one else will wear? The ones featured on "Worst Dressed" lists? Those are my favourites! I came this close to buying a pair of shocking pink stilettos a couple of months ago. My inner 4-year old nearly peed herself.

With much love, I remember a pair of blue heels I had when I was 4. This seems so unlike what my mom would have allowed me to wear, that I wonder if it's really a memory of a desire, rather than the truth. But I remember walking gingerly on the tar road to my friend Cindy's house in them. What a difference from the ugly white sandals I was otherwise coerced/forced into wearing! And my little red sneakers. I still have a "thing" for red sneakers. Every pair of shoes I've ever owned has a story attached to it. I can tell you when and where they were bought, how much they cost and what life events occurred when I was wearing them.
For reals.
The stories my Doc's could tell...

The only reason I don't own 200+ pairs (like a certain shoe-obsessed friend of mine) is because I am overly "gifted" in the foot department: size 10. On a good day. And there are very few good days. My in-laws call me Saskwatch, but I don't care ::sniff sniff:: I'm 5' 11" - if my feet were smaller, I'd fall over. I fall over enough as it is! Problem is, stores normally only get 1 (or 2?) pair of 10's in any size and we 10's snatch up everything we can ever find that fits, so chances are slim that there's ever anything in my size. Sizing is iffy too. 10's are often just too small and 11's (when they exist) are too big. Who makes a 10 1/2? Not many manufacturers.

So I'm relegated to shopping at Payless. And WalMart. Awesome.
But I shouldn't bite the hand that feeds. Look at my shoes; 70% are from PL, WM or similar bulk-discount-warehouse-type stores.
Sadly, now that I no longer have an office job (or any job), I have no excuse/reason to buy pretties :( And if there's one thing I hate more than anything else, it's being practical (about my wardrobe)!
Solution? Makes lots of monies! Buy lots of shoes! Live teetering on 5" stilettos ever after.

If you need me, I'll be in the corner, cradling a pair of heels and gently rocking myself to sleep.

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Comment by Cassie Wanda on January 12, 2009 at 6:43pm
What an amazingly fun blog to read! <3
PS I hate crocs too!
Comment by Delyssia LaBelle {Madam} on January 12, 2009 at 3:01pm
i know i hate regualting and being practical my wardrobe additions. those shoes are beautiful btw!
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