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My friend is an amazing artist, she is too good for words. I want her to do my tattoos. I would design clothes with her, collaberate on music. I have been friends with her since I was a junior in high school. She is self taught on all her artistic abilities. Her art is like music for your eyes. She painted a picture of me when I was sitting on the table in art class one day. It took her 5 minutes, she didnt even draw it first. She made me look like a stiched up decaying red haird zombie. Tiff can draw things with the most detail, more detail than your eye could catch if were in front of your face. She can draw things that make you think it is a picture. To top it off she can design clothes, take pictures, and model like a pro. I am never jelous of her. I do however watch in awe asking myself "how does she do that?" It all seems so natural for her. She does it all with out thinking. When I was in school I would hardly talk to her for two reasons. One is I loved to watch her create things, the other was because I felt like my work was not as good...there for I was not worthy to talk to her. She was good friends with a guy I briefly dated which ended up being how we started hanging out. When she draws, or creates, she goes into another world and just focuses on what she is doing. We still talk even though I don't live by her anymore. I havent seen her in at least four years. I am planing to go see her when I get the chance. Unfortunatly when you grow up things tend to go by or get put off to the side, but we have made a promise to change all that.

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Comment by Serendipity Sol on September 16, 2010 at 3:07pm
This sort of sounds like some of my friends from washington state combined. OR two of my really good friends combined which to me would make an awesome friend but I love each of my two friends for their own qualities. My friend Nancy and my friend Erin are both artistically awesome and are very inspiring I do some art of my own as well. But each of them are both very talented. My friend Nancy definitely dances to the beat of her own drum. And Nancy and I spent many nights just sitting in the outdoors looking at the sky. Erin painted a very cool picture of me for my birthday.
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