"We Are The New Vintage"
Jesse gripped a bluntly tightly between his lips, attempting to remain focused on the task at hand, unable to shake the feeling of dread that had settled in the pit of his stomach. While it was not often that members of public society had such a beef with the carnival that they would do something to seek satisfaction, the Carnies were actually known to be quite reasonable when it came to addressing any problems which might come along. The Geek was obviously not pleased that people would have enough disrespect to come in his home and do whatever they wanted. No one made him look like a fool. Revenge had been ordered without blinking an eye and there could be no hesitation to obey. The individuals had to be taught a lesson and made into an example by being punished for their crimes against the carnival.
This selection from Chapter Four of my novel Hyde Syndrome finds the main characters on a mission which will test their loyalty not only to each other, but to the people in the carnival they consider Family. What appears to be a simple interaction turns into an explosive situation within a matter of moments. Click here to red the remainder of this exclusive preview.
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"We are the new vintage. Uniting the
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