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Hopefully this will be my final journey into "fit" land. Notice that I don't say "thin", because I've NEVER been thin. I'm 5'9 (almost 5'10), and I weigh 180 right now. However, even when I weighed only 130 lbs, I STILL had a huge chest and a hiney that wouldn't quit! hehe

I went from playing softball every day when I was younger (fit), to getting injured and not playing anymore (fat), then joining the Military (F I T), and then having kids (FAT).

I've always loved my curves, but lately, they're just not lovin' me back.

I had 3 children in 3 years. Gabriel is now 4, Kira is 3, and Alexander is 2. I had really rough pregnancies, and I had to give myself hormone injections so that my children could live. These hormones completely altered my body in ways I didn't think imaginable. The problem now, is that I can't lose weight because of said hormones. I have to wait until they're out of my system before I will drop ANY poundage.

So at my last doctors appointment, he tells me that there are no more hormones left in my blood. Yay...right before the holiday season...(I'm so not going to be able to avoid Pumpkin Pie!!)...but I'll do my best.

The good news? My doc believes that because my body isn't used to being so heavy, that it will pretty much eat that's awesome. hehe

Wish me luck Ladies! and I'll keep you updated!

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Comment by Shalynn Monrose on January 27, 2010 at 12:02pm
What a great story B. You should be really proud of yourself for all that you have endured for the life of your children. I am positive that your body will get to a place that makes you happy. You deserve it!
Comment by Emmy Lou on October 14, 2009 at 9:37am
Damn honey, that sounds like the exact same problem I have, minus the kids and the army.... but I did play softball. lmao. I'm the same height and I had never been happier at 180. I was like on top of the world. I recently got engaged and happy, and fat. I have been on a fit/fat rollercoaster for a few years now thanks to my hormonal imbalance, and not being able to stop eating. So I feel you pain gurl. Maybe we could do it together, you know like accountability partners and post pictures to eachother as we get skinnier so I can be jealous of you and therefore be motivated to lose more. lmao. You seem like a kool chick. ttyl!

-Emmy Lou
Comment by Marissa Lily on November 2, 2008 at 8:21pm
Good luck and check out my fitness blog and let me know if you have any questions!
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