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I came to California on August 13th, arriving in San Francisco International Airport. I guess I made the immigration officer scratch his head a lot about the length of my stay - but most importantly, he didn't have me deported on the spot.

My friends came to pick me up at the airport - thanks to all the customs I left the building an hour after the plane landed... Well, a lot could be said about organization of things when it comes to immigration check up... Like throwing all foreigners into one bag - those that come on visas and those whose countries don't have that procedure [which was the majority in the hour-long queue]. But back to my friends... It's my American sweetheart, Daddio, that was to pick me up - supposedly with his son. The poor darling was so excited and stressed about us finally meeting face to face he had to ask his friend to drive. That was a very nice welcome though ;) I didn't know I'd have quite such an impact.

I'm staying at Daddio's place in Petaluma - it's a wonderful place, really charming and Daddio's a charming host too. He's spoiling me every day, taking me out for brunches to Marvin's - a local breakfast and lunch place he's been frequenting for more than 10 years. It's great when someone can recommend things like that when you come to a foreign country. I heard stories of BAD, tasteless food in America - but what I've been having is nothing like that! If you're ever in Petaluma at lunchtime - go visit Marvin's! They also have the wackiest collection of pepper and salt shakers I've seen in my life - I'm starting a gallery!

It's Saturday today and that mean's Farmers' Market! Fresh, ripe fruit and veggies and some real good bread. I love good food and that's definitely a place to get some. Last week there was also an entertainment part - a lone musician playing his guitar and singing some good old hits. Plus an opportunity to get a massage and probably some other things I overlooked in excitement.

There were also some laughable episodes, like a coffee machine incident at the local mini-mall. If it hadn't been for Max - Daddio's kid - I'd be totally lost. In Poland you can only get vending machines that work if you put some change in them to get a tiny cup of hot coffee - the one at the mini-mall was a self-service vending machine that pops no cups [you just help yourself to a cup of a desired size and pay at the cash register]. Of course I had no idea how to make it work and to make matters worse, the machine would run out of the particular coffee type I started pouring myself a moment after I laid my hands on it. Of course I thought I broke it... Oh the emotions! And over a plain coffee vendor.

Speaking of coffee - Petaluma has an amazing coffee roasting place. They roast the beans as you watch and have a great selection of flavors and roasts. And a big selection of tea types too. Also - all kinds of paraphernalia for preparation and serving of either. Here's the address: Petaluma Coffee & Tea Co., 212 Second Street, Petaluma [check their website for details].

I could get very much used to such easy, stress-free Californian life - oh yes, very easily!

And I finally managed to get a decent setting lotion to get the curls the way they should look - hooray! I'm gonna send a biiiig load of that home in a box to make sure I don't run out of it for some time :)

I'm seeing a lot of hot rods and oldie cars around. There are 3 parked near Marvin's and Daddio himself drives around in Cadillac De Ville. Did I say I'm being spoilt?

So once again - I love it, I love it, I love it!

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