

Kaneohe, HI

United States

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I have only recently been turned on to the pinup lifestyle but have fallen in love with it in a very short time. I am in the military and have always loved the classic military girl pinup posters but never thought that I could actually turn into one lol.
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    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}

    Welcome to PinUp Lifestyle darlin'. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other Madams, it's what we're here for! And be sure to check out the forum and join us in chat! Can't wait to get to know you better. xoxox
  • Pink Diamond

    Pick away. I'm not an expert though. Iv'e only played for 2 years, but I'll happily answer any question I can.
  • Pink Diamond

    Riedell 265's or wickeds are the most common. Cant really go wrong with those (They are essentially the same thing). ABEC bearings are great starter bearings. go for the ABEC 5 or aboves. Most new skates you buy some standard with some kind of wheel and bearings. Wheels are harder to make a suggestion on because it depends on the rink, hummidity, ect. As far as wheels go, check out www.sincityskates.com she has a link on there explaining the different wheels and what conditions are best. I buy all my wheels and such from her, because she is derby owned. I have also heard that placed\s like rollerderbydepot.com will give you a discount if you CALL and order and sweet talk and ask about newbie deals and such.

    The cheapest but still good pads are going to be triple 8's. Step up from there are 187 pads and they are wonderful and so far have been my favorite. The best pad and most expensive is from www.prodesigned.com They managed to keep the thickness and yet still make the pad wonderfully slim making cross overs much easier. As soon as I can scrape together the money, I will be up-grading to these. Iv'e seen them and they are truely awesome.

    Any skate helmet will do, just dont buy a bicycle helment. They dont fit the head right in case you would fall. My suggestion is to just go to a skateboard shop or something similar, and find a helmet you like there, so you can try it on. You want the helmet to fit perfectly on your head and the straps to be comfortable in case you do fall. I had to scrap my first helet because the straps rubbed wrong on my hair line.

    A word of encouragement. When I first started, I was a bigger girl. I figured I would at least make a good blocker. Derby took off the weight fast and I am currently the highest scoring jammer on my team. You never know what you will be good at. Good luck and feel free to ask anything else