sexy, and dark, and sometimes covered in fake blood and sweat.
Profile Information:
What best describes your role in the industry?
Makeup Artist, Musician, Performer, Business
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I'm a horror movie fanatic! I love haunted houses and Halloween season! I work at a local haunted house, if ya wanna know where... as me! Been there almost 4 seasons, and love every minute of it. I do the special fx, and I'm a lead actress.
I'm 1 of 2 females in a family of 13 called the Chainsaw Rejects, what is a Chainsaw Reject? We are the best of the best, our blood, sweat and tears, time and energy go into scaring the s*** out of people. Anything else about us, ask. Too much to type.
I've always loved the pinup style, I loved my Nana's clothes, and her old pictures. I feel comfortable in the pin up style look, I'm a big girl, and pin up makes me feel like I'm beautiful
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Hi Miss Betty and welcome to Pinup Lifestyle! This is a fun community to make friends and learn all about pinup. A quick note about ourselves - Cats Like Us has lots of great pinup and rockabilly styles to please gals like yourself! Save 10% by using the coupon PLGALS! Have a rockin' day!!
Plum Pea Dahl {★}
Jun 8, 2011
Cats Like Us {*}
A quick note about ourselves - Cats Like Us has lots of great pinup and rockabilly styles to please gals like yourself! Save 10% by using the coupon PLGALS! Have a rockin' day!!
Jun 17, 2011
Tabby von Terror {★}
Why hello there dear :P
Nov 14, 2011