Phebe Phenomenon


Richmond, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Artist, Designer, Makeup Artist, Model
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I collect Chucks in varying shades of pink (because some dumb boi once told me only black, white, and blue chucks were worthy of wearing) and random pieces of couture (because I CAN). Im all about catching the sunrise then sleeping all day. I cant function without my ipod and a sharpie pen, or the battered notebook with a collection of tear stained pages and random acts of poetry. I loathe the hard hearted and inconsiderate, this is life, do your part to make it a nice place to be.....I have secrets...tons of them....and the closer you get, the more of them Im willing to reveal. Im an elitist, screw the scenesters, this is my only shot and I plan on living it to the fullest. I'll define my own reality KthanxBye. There are always a ton of thoughts bouncing through this head O mine,Im most impressed by those who can keep up with them,as those are the souls that are few and far between. I dream in technicolor and often, my life is tragic but my story is beautiful, stick around and maybe youll hear me tell it one day. I dig anime and comic books,new bottles of nail polish and good sweet dark rum,clean sheets, good books, excellent conversation, and music no one else wants to listen to.I can spend hours with my nose in a book or while away whole weekends bleeding soul onto canvas. I couldnt imagine an artless life, or a world without vanilla bean ice cream and lipgloss that tingles. Ive got a mean streak of bad luck but I make a great lucky charm besides.
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