Miss Dinah Deville


Boston, MA

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Designer, Model, Performer, Ride Builder
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I am a burlesque dancer, pin-up model, welder, tattooist and bombshell. Prepare to eat your heart out.
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
I followed a link and decided it was a good place for me

Comment Wall:

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  • Carrie Dance Casting

    Could you make it to NYC for an audition?

    I am casting female dancers for a new show and was wondering if you would be interested in auditioning?


    We’re looking for ground breaking, strong female dancers with lots of personality for our new docu-style TV show from the creators of AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL and CSI:


    If you are INDEPENDENT, DYNAMIC, SEXY, STRONG, & EDGY, we want to see you!  Those with tattoos, piercings, and talents such as burlesque dancing, fire twirling, contortion, aerial arts or anything unique are encouraged to apply.



    Saturday, February 26th 2011

    Caesars Palace: 3570 Las Vegas Blvd, South Las Vegas, NV 89109

    **The Holding Room for the girls will be Roman Ball Room 1



    Saturday, March 5 th 2011



    Tuesday, March 8 th 2011


    Email the following information to CarrieDanceCasting@Gmail.com:

    Phone #s:
    Dance style / background:
    3 Photos (to include close-up face shot & full-body shot)


    **In the subject of your email, please specify:
    "Vegas", "NYC" or "LA" and “your First and Last name”


    You must be 18 years of age or over and eligible to work in the US.



  • Dee Dee L'Amour

    Thanks for the add Ms. Dinah!


  • Artist


    Enchanté Mademoiselle Dinah!