Clothing with a sharp edge, hence the company name !
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What best describes your role in the industry?
Business, Designer, Vendor, Website
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
Personally loved the nose art of WW2 and it became the genre of the period that my clothing style, a definate mish mash of the 40's and 50's honoured and combined with leather!!! Mmmmm.
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Thanks for the invite and compliment! Hopefully will have a bunch of new things to share shortly. I've been experimenting with some other styles and think I'm about ready to start sharing with the public soon.
necro mike
feel free to indulg... i will post moore each day if you all enjoy
thanks necro,, i enjoy your page juest as well!
Aug 15, 2011
necro mike
i love the bomer jacket art i do sum my self i will post sum picts you may like ?!
i used to do air brushed copys of nose art at air shows heer in the states its a good market to look into ,the air shows
regards necro
Aug 15, 2011
Randy Sizemore
Sep 6, 2011