Lady Luxe


Carmel, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Artist, Business, Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Photographer
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
My name is Amber Brown. I live in the beautiful Monterey CA, where i grew up. I've been an artist my whole life drawing, painting ect. When i was in high school i would take a disposable Camera with me everywhere i went (this was before digital cameras) taking pictures of pretty much everything along the way. I'm inspired by my, people, art, nature. when i was a young teen i discovered swing dancing. That open up a whole new door to the "retro" world. I like to think my style is a modern retro with an edge that can express the color and vibrancy that life has to offer. I think this is a great community to know others who are involved or interested in this lifestyle and really celebrate life, beauty, and passion.
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
facebook. I think from Miss Missy Photography

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