Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I believe if given a cape I could probably save the world.... I'm just saying!!!!
I've been described as "a peculiar one", "blunt", "awkward", "vulgar", "quirky", "opinionated" and an "acquired taste" with black hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and fierce curves...I AM A MEAT BUCKET, GET OVER IT!!! I wear glasses because I can't see far distances and contrary to what photos may portray I have a spattering of dings, scars and rotating bruises which may or maynot come with a good story.
I live with the most beautiful gang of 4-legged fur babies in the world in a house in Minnesota and the rest of my time I can be found in Salt Lake City, Utah. If I had my way I would be in Paris, Portland or Seattle.
I come from a Lithuanian family. my grandparents being vaudeville performers. My grandmother hands down is the spark that fueled this lifestyle interest.
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Hey sweetie, Just wanted to tell ya thanks for all the advice. I sent ofca a email to see if they can send me some samples... woo whoo. If not i will let ya know.. the white porcelian looks awesome.. Does it make ya look all gothed out.. Not that i have an issue with that.. or is it pretty natural lookin on plae skin.. Im so excited about it.. hehe..
Amanda Arsenic
Mar 11, 2011
Red Hot Kitten's Boutique
Mar 11, 2011
Mar 11, 2011
Miss Malynda May Bell
Hey sweetie, Just wanted to tell ya thanks for all the advice. I sent ofca a email to see if they can send me some samples... woo whoo. If not i will let ya know.. the white porcelian looks awesome.. Does it make ya look all gothed out.. Not that i have an issue with that.. or is it pretty natural lookin on plae skin.. Im so excited about it.. hehe..
thanks again doll!!!
Mar 11, 2011
Nathalie Rattner
Mar 11, 2011