Ray Leaning


Ayr & Fenwick Scotland

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Artist, Designer
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
Lifetime pin-up artist - Fetish, burlesque, glamour, fantasy..
always on the look-out for new models & inspiration!
Also available for private commission : )
Official Website or Tumblr Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
Twitter: (Example: @Pinuplifestyle)
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
google search

Comment Wall:

  • Model

    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}

    Welcome to PinUp Lifestyle darlin'. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other Madams, it's what we're here for! And be sure to check out the forum and join us in chat! Can't wait to get to know you better. xoxo
  • Becky Lee xoxo

    Welcome to PL!!! Love your work!

    Becky Lee
  • Howard Morton

    Holy Cow! thought you would have completely disowned me by now! Good to hear from you, Life is in serious disarray, but things are getting better by the day. Since we last talked, I am divorced, recovering from falling through a 2 story roof fire, and starting to draw again. I have not forgotten our deal. I agonize and lament over not holding up my side of the bargain. I truly intend to remedy that situation now that I know I am not regarded as Devil Spawn by Ray Leaning! Anymore music I can get for 'Ya until I can fulfill my obligation? As always, I admire your work, and constantly gaze at your now framed drawings. Seeing as I am getting back to drawing, your work is a source of constant inspiration. Thanks for your kindness, and I will ease your punishment of it soon enough!
    Good to hear from you again!
  • Howard Morton

    Dont know If you got my reply Ray...hopefully you did.
  • Howard Morton

    Thanks Ray! I appreciate the contact! No way my friend, you did not offend me in the least. It is I who owe YOU an apology for the lack of communication. I have been taking the basic anatomy courses (while I have been down), and just finished skeletal rendering of the skull, ribcage and pelvis. Detailed drawings of all 24 vertebrae is a total pain in the ass....hopefully it will pay off. Saw some new drawings by you....new book out yet? I still only have "Muse". Love the carhop on rollerskates!

  • Model

    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}