Ellie Darling


Salem, OR

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Model, Performer
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I have always had a fascination with 20's and 30's vintage style, 50's pin-up, tattoos, and love photography! I have just started on the path of burlesque and modeling, and hope to find lots of great people and some fun opportunities!

More about me: I'm a mom of 3 incredible boys!!! They are loving, so sweet, and I'm so blessed to have each one of them! It's so much fun to have these precious little guys and they are truly an inspiration to me to get out there and do what I love... as I am constantly telling them to do!
Official Website or Tumblr Link:
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
A few myspace sites

Comment Wall:

  • Nelda's Vintage Clothing (PLA)

  • Nelda's Vintage Clothing (PLA)

    Thanks Ellie for our comment. Have a fab day!

    Take Care and Keep in touch.


  • Plum Pea Dahl {★}

  • Mikey Kay

  • Ric Merry

    Welcome to PL neighbor! Are you going to the Rose City Roundup?
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    Welcome to PL, feel free to ask me any questions or express any concerns, as a madam i am here to make sure your experience of PL is an awesome one! enjoy! those are tallented toes
  • Fabionei

  • Ric Merry

    I've never been myself but I hear last year was a good time and this year (year 2) should be even better.
    If you see me grab me and say "hi".
  • NolaChick™ {Madam}

    Welcome to PL!
  • Game Photography Edinburgh.

  • Ava Garters

    Thank you! You are absolutely adorable....so glad you found your way here to PL

  • Model

    Lola de Lish

    you are beautiful.. I have been blessed with two wonderful little boys as well but am surely hoping round three is a little lady ;)!! or baby girl would probably be better..hahah otherwise who will I play dress up with!

    welcome to PL doll
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    Hello my Darling partner in crime. Glad you made it on here!
  • Peach Cupcakes

  • Model

    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}

    Welcome to PinUp Lifestyle darlin'. Pretty pics.
  • Peach Cupcakes

    Thank you for taking a look! I have become an apron and flower junkie as you can see. Your pic is too cute, your making me want to cut my hair in a bob again! Have a great weekend.
  • Mikey Kay

    Just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing? And I hope you have a great weekend!!!!

  • Ava Garters

    Hiya Cupcake! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend! Stop by sometime ;)

  • Model

    Syd Valentine

    Hi, sweetheart! Thanks for the friend add.
    3 boys? I have three kiddos myself.... lots of fun... LOTS of work! Jealous of your recent 1st time burlesque experience! Something I would love to try myself.
    You're adorable. L-O-V-E the hair!
  • Alethea Kelso

    Hi! Thanx for the wonerful comment, I love that one too, Bernie Dexter is the cutiest! I am new at this kind of art, but i would love to do some custome peices for people!! I am a full time student so it might take some ime, but what were you looking for?

    Thank you for tickling my add button Ellie. Working on anything sexy?
    or click below
  • Alethea Kelso

    I cant tell if anything gets sent through the messages so ill put it in your comments just in case.
    This sounds wonderful!!! So we will definatly have to talk more about this. My art is digital, i hope thats ok. I can do hand drawings but im not so good at hand coloring yet. I can do it it would just take for ever! LOL. Im also in school so things are time consuming. But im sure we could work something out.
  • Alethea Kelso

    Yeah, I press send and nothing happens, so im not sure if the messages send or not But i did get yours and replyed with my emall to send photos. this is the message......
    HI, so it is much easier to work with photos, I am working on something but i can still do one of your photos too and you guys can pick witch one you like. this is my email (in message box?) so you can send me the images, the highr the resolution the better.
  • Peach Cupcakes

    I sent you an email with the details for the drawing with Ellie. Please let me know if you dont receive that. Hope your doing great!

  • Model


    Thank you very much! Your a doll! Love your pictures!

    Anything beautiful and inspiring?


    or click below :)
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    Thanks for your help today! Love ya
  • Alethea Kelso

    Hello, So it turns out that in order to make the cupcake gal look like you i will deffinatley need a photo. She said that you just postponed the shoot and im reall busy with school work this quarter so just let me know when you get the shoot done! I wish you were close cuz i could do the photos...well i just started taking pin up photos but i LOVE it!!!LOL keep me posted love!
  • Alethea Kelso

    It does make it better to have the exact pose to make it look like you. trying to fit a face on the wrong pose is really hard!
  • Jason Allen

    Thanks for all the great comments. I'm home now. I have to buckle down on this calendar project for a little bit, but I'll get ahold of ya soon. :)
  • CinnamonScallop

    Happy Birthday cupcake! Love your profile pic! Have a beautiful day today!
  • Whirlingturban

    Cute pics and cute curvy figure- I guess those boys must keep you in shape (whew!)

    Niceta meetcha-

    Katherine in Bali
  • Cherry DeLyte™

  • Amanda Arsenic

  • Whirlingturban

  • Vendor

    Toxique Boutique

    GORGEOUS pictures doll! So inspiring!!
