Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I'm in musical theatre and I've always been drawn to the style of the 1950s. I hate looking like everyone else I see around me and I've been bored by all the clothes I've seen in normal stores. In addition to doing some shows set in the fifties like Zombie Prom, I started watching Mad Men and I realized that I just really adore this style more than any other and that it fits my quirky, kitschy personality.
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Welcome to PL sweetie!!! You'll have a BLAST on this site. I am one of the RESIDENTS along with Dollhouse Kitty. If you have any questions, please ask me or any of the other MADAMS. I am here to help. ENJOY AND KIT . Take Care toots!! - XOXO Aubrey
Red Hot Kitten's Boutique
Jul 26, 2010
Aubrey London {Madam}
Jul 26, 2010
Jul 26, 2010
Jul 26, 2010
Amanda Arsenic
Jul 26, 2010
Betty Red {PL Team / Madam}
Jul 27, 2010