Joseph Serrano

38, Male

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Artist, Photographer
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
Freelance Photographer in Phoenix Arizona. Collins College Alumni. Independent Film Producer. Special Effects Artist.
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Researching Pinup

Comment Wall:

  • Desirée {PL Team}

    Welcome to PL!
  • Plum Pea Dahl {★}

  • Elizabeth ZAMH

  • Mikey Kay


  • Model

    Betty Red {PL Team / Madam}

    Welcome to PL!

  • Model

    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}

    Welcome to PinUp Lifestyle darlin'.
  • Fabionei

    Hey Welcome to PinUp Lifestyle Dude!
  • NolaChick™ {Madam}

    Welcome to PL!
  • Lil_Bit {★}

    Hello there, Just dropping by say hello and how are you?
    HAve a great day

  • Model

    Lola de Lish

    post novelty tees huh..good things those arent too hard to find ;)

    welcome to PL hun, wishing you all the best in all your endevors.
  • Elisa Chong

    Thank you for the add! Have a great day! :)
  • Suzan van Gemeren
    That's my MM!!

    Thanx for the comments and the warm welcome! :D
  • Brandi

    thank you for the comment :) i like the angles you shoot from...unique.
  • Brandi

    no i've been planning on making a profile on there...hopefully soon! :)
  • Mikey Kay

    Hey Hey
    Just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing? And I hope you have a great weekend!!!!

  • Mikey Kay


    What's up Joseph. Are you being creative today? ;)
  • Brandi

    i tried applying for modelmayhem, but didn't get accepted. :( i checked the requirements, thinking i left something out-- but couldn't find anything- so i guess they just didn't like my look? i'm not sure. just thought i'd update you. hope all is well-
