


Regina, Saskatchewan


Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I'm a figurative, narrative artist currently incorporating 50's fashion references into my work. There is also a n aspect of my work that utilizes the fetish subculture as a creative component.

I'm an unapologetic lover of women. My favoutite sound is the clicking of high heels. I just can't resist their call.
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  • Pony Chrome

    When's it over? Is there another season?
  • Pony Chrome

    Habla Espanol? Sorry, that's all I've got. So what inspired you to live in Madrid?
  • Pony Chrome

    Funny how home towns can do that to you.
  • Pony Chrome

    As in an historic fountain? Maybe you should take up lacrosse, it travels better.
  • Pony Chrome

    Except you! Are you planning to go back?
  • Pony Chrome

    When I was in art school Germany was the way to go. Not my cup of tea, personally. Your drawings have a great classic style going for them, I can see Spain being a better environment for them than here or NY. You could always come back to Calgary and draw horses. Just kidding.
  • Pony Chrome

    14 years on faculty at ACAD? I may have just missed you, it would have been 10, maybe 12 years ago. Great that you made the jump to Europe. NY just doesn't hold any interest for me, maybe a quick trip to see the major galleries. Could be I would change my mind when I got there. I went to the Georgia O'Keefe Museum in Santa Fe and out to Abiqui. THAT was amazing. What department did you teach in?
  • Pony Chrome

    I would have guessed the VC department. I was lucky to have an instructor from the VC deptartment in my 2D foundation class, I came away with a good understanding of design principles. I taught a course through Chinook College for 5 years and participants were always amazed at what I could tell them about themselves.
  • Pony Chrome

    I've always liked the Joseph Bouys concept of even the milk man is an artist in his effort to perfect the delivery of milk. I'm sure that isn't quite how he says it... Anyway, I love the idea of life as art, I try to live by that.
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    Why thank you! Venturing a bit out of my comfort zone and it was a lot of fun!!!

    As for the book, I am shamelessly reading another Laurel K Hamilton book, she's got a vampire series that's pretty much brain candy. Haven't started the new Findlay yet...
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    thanks hun!
  • Edson Carlos

    Monkeyboy, your skill bro is unstoppable. Keep up the incredible work! Your portfolio here looks just amazing.
  • Marissa Lily

    hey, how are you doing? ive been really busy and was just able to get back on here. there were a few people i missed :)
  • Seanna {Madam}

    Nah, not an addict necessarily. I need to get into shape! =)
  • Seanna {Madam}

    Aww thank you sir! I mean more like "in shape" as far as being able to hit the trails for longer then 10mns! Haha, these mountains will kick your ass!
  • Marissa Lily

    can you rate me so i have a chance to get in bad kat magazine?
  • Marissa Lily

    by the way, my boyfriend still isn't back and i havent heard anything from him since he told me he got shot in the leg! he was supposed to be back already. this is quite literally driving me insane
  • Marissa Lily

    thats very nice :) it only goes to 5 though
  • Miss Bea Rock

    There's a photo in the new RebelRodz of a man with 2 little girls with their bicycles, and the caption is "Monkeyboy from CA". Is that you?
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    wow your work is incredible!!
    And your Canadian!! sweet!
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    Thanks for saying so! I love this website... every one is so complimentary!
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    Tee hee! you sure can make a girl blush lol ;)
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    Is that so....
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    well sir, too bad I live in Ottawa, Because I definitly would fall for it and let you sketch me... lol
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    LOL it's so true... once I had an aunt visitying from england and she was going to travel west... she couldn't beleive that it took two days to drive accross Ontario! It's so hard for someone from a small place to phathom such a giant place!
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    ps. maybe we should use the chat... it's so much faster...
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    That's cool, I really should go to bed anyways... have a great night!
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    I know LOL!!
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    whats the weather like in saskatchewan??
  • Cloe Cupcake {★}

    LOL, I guess I shouldn't tell you that it's warm and sunny in O town then! Perect for a day off except that I have to go into work for a couple hours.... boo!
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    Hey there! How's my favorite Monkey? I've been missing my PL time lately...
    Life has been hectic, but I wanted to take a minute and say Hi!
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    Awww, I'm touched.... Just started a new comedy "Gods Behaving Badly"... From a friend, should be a quick read.
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    I'm gonna have a huge booklist just from you!... How did your wife enjoy the gods book?
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    My little girl and I are reading the Lemony Snicket Books... I read them all a few years ago and although they're aimed at young adults, they are a lot of fun! Syd & I read a chapter almost every night and I'm enjoying rereading them... So much better than TV!
  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    You start with the first book, The Bad Beginning... There are 13 of them total.
  • Betty Sue

    Well, I don't know what you heard from Scarlet but I don't like to brag about that kind of stuff. You, on the other hand, are something to brag about.
  • Betty Sue

    Un poco de comer, pero muchos besos!
  • Betty Sue

    What are YOU doing slumming on this site? I'm only here because you're here... ;)
  • Betty Sue

    Project? I've got a little project for you...
  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

    HOW YOU DOING!!!!!!
  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

    HOW COOL!!!!
  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

  • Mints Photography (Margie B)

  • Infamous Nina Nightshade

    So, front page of the Statesman Journal today had an article about a monkey attack at the park... You didn't do that did you? lol... How've you been?
  • C/S

    Sending some LOVE from CROWSHOP



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  • Mikey Kay

    Just wanted to stop by and say Hello!!!

  • Filmmonkey

    Just cruising by to say a monkey "howdy do"