RoseRed Polkadot



United Kingdom

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Red lipstick, red shoes, sunglasses in all weathers.
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  • Sparkle Darling

    Thanks love!

  • Artist


    Do you ever get to Blackheath? I have an exhibition there until the end of the month.
  • Sparkle Darling

    How are you darlin'?

  • Artist


    Blackheath. Just up the hill from Greenwich. Red shoes … Ahhh.
  • Sparkle Darling

    That's poopy! Work stinks...Yay for the dress. I do all my shopping and communicating at work :) Not sure about Halloween yet. I'm so happy its on a FRIDAY!!! One of my BF's friends is having a party but its this Saturday...the 25. Whatever....
    I love your new pic!!!

  • Artist


    That clicking is music to my ears. If a girl has great shoes chances are everything else will follow suit.

    I believe the show runs until the end of October. If you're thinking of dropping in. You might want to call ahead. There are some good places to eat there as well.
  • Retrodolls Pinup Photography

    hey :)
  • Sparkle Darling

    I'm so over it too! I costs to look this good. I love shopping online b/c you get happy 3 times. Once when you purchase, again when you get the "shipped" email and again when it gets delivered. My guy is having a bday bbq for me so I hope to get some cute pix, lets hope my hair cooperates with me
  • Sparkle Darling

    Another site for girls like us :)
  • Sparkle Darling
  • Sparkle Darling

    Thanks love!! The hair came out pretty cute :) YAY!
  • Marissa Lily

    Haven't seen you around in a little while! I have my fitness blog up and running now if you are ever bored :)
  • Sparkle Darling

    I"m glad you're the one to dominate my page :) 2 more days!!!!!!! YAY!!! I sprained my foot after having to much fun (hence the "festive" photo) at my birthday party and have to walk with a cane :(, so not to much fun for me on Friday
  • Marissa Lily

    im glad that you think it is down to earth and sensible. i dont want to be a stick either! just healthy and the best version of me. it is hard when you work at night. if your job allows you to change tha at some point you should think about it, sleeping while there is light out instead of at night affects your body's melatonin subsequently affecting weight gain.
  • Suzzi Homewrecker

  • NolaChick™ {Madam}

    Hope you're having a great week!
  • Retrodolls Pinup Photography

  • Sparkle Darling

  • Marissa Lily

    I just wanted to let you know, they did some long term studies on messed up sleep patterns and found that the women were far more likely to have heart disease as well. it's just something to think about for when you might have the chance. it isn't just about looks! i don't know what your situation is and why you are working nights, but if you ever have the chance to switch at some point you should seriously consider it!
  • Marissa Lily

    I didn't have time to address all the other stuff like energy levels which cause you to eat random things too in the middle of the night! But maybe we can talk later about things you can do and eat to at least help you to feel better!
  • Goldie Von Fahnz

    Hi thanks for the add! All the way from across the pond eh!
  • Cassie Wanda

    Hi! How are you doing?
  • Cassie Wanda

    Thanks so much! That is sooo sweet of you!
  • Sparkle Darling

    How are you doll?
  • Marissa Lily

    How have you been? Haven't heard from you lately
  • Sparkle Darling

    I hopped around Las Vegas with 3 fractures in my foot :) I love your new profile picture, the girls look amazing. Hope all you drama come to a halt soon love
  • Chris P

    Thank you sweetheart. I would love to be more prolific but a lot of Brit models are quite snooty about pin up, it seems to have a bad press here, the ones that do show interest are porn girls and they dont have the right retro vibe. Ah to be in California!
  • Chris P

    I think the look may be all the rage but that is 'on trend' fashion for you, it doesnt necessarily mean those girls have any actual appreciation of where the look orginated etc. It is also wrong to assume that those on the scene will want to be photographed. Not everyone wants to be a model! I have paid the price for making that assumption myself. Then we have girls who are on the scene but wouldnt make for very animated models. Cheesecake requires acting skills to get right! I have my own idols in the work of Harrison Marks, Elmer Batters and Bernard of Hollywood. Probably not out and out pin up! Oh I totally adore your new profile pic. Utterly cute! x
  • Chris P

    Oh I am with you on the nerdy aspect! I am a Batman, Gerry Anderson and Classic Trek nerd myself. What are yours? x
  • hamptonVMphoto

    loving the new profile photo!!
  • Chris P

    My youngest is demon when it comes to game machines. Nobody gets close. She has been eyeing up Little Big World. That knitted character is so cute. I am now the proud owner of an Adipo plush because she twisted my arm on Saturday! xx
  • Chris P

    Oh Brian Bollan drew the ultimate Joker! That is the best version. Until two years ago I had collected every Batman (inc family) comic from the previous 20 years. Until some drug addict broke in and took the lot along with all my collectable figures! I still adore the Animated series for its dark art deco styling!
  • Sparkle Darling

    Haha!!! Yeah I've been medicating my foot with shot and beers for weeks now. The shoe situation is dismal. I don't wear flats....Ever and they are like the coolest thing right now, so I go shopping for 1 and can't find any :( So all I've been wearing are my Jack Purcell Cons, Vans skip ons and my Duane Peters Vision all of which look fabulous with my work attire.
  • Mimi DuBois

    HI! I've been searching for brits on here! I work at Kingston Hospital just outside London, but i'm always in London if you wanna meet up at some point, Welwyn isn't that far!
  • Sparkle Darling

    Red platform stilettos huh....Hmmmm......Have you tried I'm not sure if they ship to the UK. I'll be on the hunt for you. I can find anything, except a red Adidas jacket with black stripes.
    Its rainy and grey here in beautiful So Cal too, but I do have Turkey Day to cheer me up :)
  • Mimi DuBois

    Not nursing, i'm doing Biomedical Science at the moment, leading onto medical forensic science...scary, I've trained as an HCA so i have something to fall back on!
  • Mimi DuBois

    I work in Main Theatres - all the operating stuff :D i wish i could make enough money by being fabulous, but, science is my second favourite thing in the world, so that's what i'll do! Are you free next saturday? if you are come down to london and see me in the Rocky Horror Shadow Cast Picture Show!
  • Chris P

    Mmm I know what you mean about it not being the same trying to replace them once they've gone! I was also a bit fed up with the various storylines that had been abandoned in the comics before they had finished their natural course. The family inc Robin, Catwoman, Nightwing, Superman and Oracle also meant Batman was no longer the lone and slightly warped crime fighter that I enjoy most. Oh we should set up a zero kids gaming day, so that us old timers can compete on an even playing field! x
  • Sparkle Darling

    Dude, you had me cracking up on that one! I'm actually looking for a track suit for my guy for Xmas. I searched all last season and then again for his Bday in April.
    I found this for you AND they ship international :) One of my many addictions :)

    Thanksgiving is tomorrow but there are no presents, just that bags that hang from your thighs after you stuff yourself. I do loves me some Baileys!!!! IRISH CAR BOMBS!!! Yummy, that's one of the contributing factors of my broken foot :)
  • Sparkle Darling

    I spent like $300 on my first order at BGB :)
    You must try and Avalanche! Hot chocolate, peppermint schnapps, whipped cream, chocolate chips and a candy cane. I must try your invention!
  • Sparkle Darling

    I've never heard of Angel Delight...Turkish Delight, yes, but Angel, no. I was flipping through a cookbook last night and couldn't figure out a bunch of the ingredients. I flipped to the front of the book and saw that it was printed in the UK, so don't be surprised if you get a bunch of random WTF is this questions from me.
    You could totally have your own dessert bar/pub.
  • Mimi DuBois

    thanks doll, how are you? where abouts in the UK are you? x
  • Sparkle Darling

    Holy hell those are cute! Do they ship to the States?????? I hope! I hope! I hope! Today is the last day of the dreaded boot...I can't wait!!!!! I can wear a wedge and can get back to my heels in another month or so.
  • Mimi DuBois

    thanks, just random photos. How are you? x
  • Marissa Lily

    hey, how have you been?
  • M.R. Borg

  • hamptonVMphoto

    happy new year !!
  • hamptonVMphoto

    all the best in 2009 !!
  • Sparkle Darling

    Hi Darling!!!! Hope you had the most wonderful holiday season and New Year!!!!!!!!

    Hi RoseRed :) I'm new here. Just being a gentleman and introducing myself. Stay inspiring.


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