
Sara Sundae


Tucson, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I model for fun. I'm terrible at self-promotion. I don't go to shows. I don't enter contests where I have to rally together votes. And I don't care about "making it". I work exclusively feelance on weddings and such, and yes, pin-up hair is a specialty of mine. I own a sweet lil '62 Falcon. I spend my free time reading, sleeping, and watching marathon TV shows- usually something Sci-Fi (because I'm a nerd like that). I also collect coins, vintage jewelry, and vintage hairstyling equipment. I also make and sell sock monkeys, its a weird hobby, yes, but it pays for itself!
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:!/theoriginalsarasundae
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
another model I know had one

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