Edson Carlos

47, Male

San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
Whenever I meet a pinup, I make it my duty to analyze the strength and sexiness of the doll as a species. To this end, I hold pinup duels. Taking two dolls and making them battle until one feels the urge to take off their heels to fight. That is the "loser", and I ban the inferior one from the site immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general brunette dolls are tougher, and the Southern California girls are typically the first to jump out of heels to throw down. I guess it comes from centuries of wearing flip flops to the beach. I have hypothesized that pinups as a race cannot survive long in the intense theatre of competition that comes from modern day hipsters, scenesters, and a world filled with uggs driven by MySpace angled self portraits.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a doll that is taller, or curvier, or more fierce than all the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a great match for my current best, but on very rare occasions it gives the doll an edge, the species continues to adapt to its environment. The best continues to get better, as does the competition.

When I reach the end of the current supply, I am left with one pinup, the strongest of the harem. Since it would make no sense to ban this one, I keep her close and take good care of her. I immediately have her shipped in a crate to PIXAR Animation Studios next door to the PL Loft where she gets rendered in 3D for preservation, creation of leg lamps, and future cloning.

Attached to the crate is the following label:


This week was special. They wrote back to thank me, and I received a crate. Inside was a genetic mutation of my top doll which includes all the best features of all previous winners. I have set aside the weekend for a Grand Tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the true Champion. There can be only one that sleeps in my room. Who dares to dance with "Desi Trump"?

Official Website or Tumblr Link:
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
Twitter: (Example: @Pinuplifestyle)
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
A stroke of genius in the middle of the night!

Comment Wall:

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  • Barbar!na

    yep I am...I spin electronica/break and electro rock :)
  • Dulce Diabla {★}

    LoL hope you like the ones I posted so far,
    I'll have more up soon ;)
  • alonibelle

    yes sir we do!they are so much fun.thanks for the requested;)
  • Miss Heather Z

    I was just wondering if there was any size in particular you would like the banners to be? Or just a few different sizes to pick from? Just wanted to be sure before I went ahead with it!
  • Beth @ Rebelle Photo

    im an exclusive coke drinker too!
  • Ashley

    Thank you so much. Maybe I will one day!
  • Satine

    Thank you so much! :)
  • Debbie Deth Cakes

    w000ts! where da gold at?!?

  • Model


    Thank you..!! :D

    <3 <3

  • Artist

    Pete DJPJ

    Thanks, ahh Daddy Cool. I'm working on a few more photo shoots between now and December and will be posting more stuff. Say your' picture looks familiar. I think I've seen that face before, but can't quite place it.
  • Sonia

    Thanks for the welcome, and the compliment.
    This site is great!
    Thanks for the add.
  • Roxi Dlite

    Oh Im not straying babe. Just been super busy with loads of costume making for upcoming halloween shows.... Im up to my ears in rhinestones again! Ill be back on when things slow down after halloween. Keep it cool Daddy! xoxo

  • Model

    Sarah Leigh

    Thank you for the kind words & compliments:) I <3 your Mustang! Gorgeous car:) Wish i could take pics with it!! Have a great day! XOXO

  • Model

    Roberta Rae

    Love the pics with the coke bottle... Great work :) Have a wonderful day...

  • Anela Amaretto

    Hey there Daddy...this song is hysterical! I'll make sure I take a pic with a coke bottle in my hand during my next photo shoot...actually it's perfect, since I'll be doing a B&W BP inspired shoot & you know that girl loooves coca-cola, so thanks for the inspiration honey ;)
  • Cassie Wanda

    Thank you so much! I should get a good coco cola photo to you ;-)
  • Marissa Lily

    Hi, hope you guys have a great weekend! I'm going to spend mine hiding from my roommate
  • Raven Foxx

    What is the name of the site for car peeps and is it still up?
  • Taylee Belle

    Hey there daddy cool, awesome photo's : )

  • Model

    Roberta Rae

    hahaha... I love the leopard print :)
  • Rene

    Thank you, and I will :)
  • Dalma Dot

    Thanks for the add! <3

  • Dayna DeLux

  • Amanda

    Hey DC! So I've noticed that in your "about me" section, it has said "More soon..." for a long time..
    When you gonna finally put more up there? lol
  • JetDoll

    Thank you for the nice comments on the blog and page! I'm actually glad people know what SL is! Do you play there too? :-p
  • Marissa Lily

    Thank you for making the fitness blog more easily accessed! I will definitely be adding lots to it :)
  • Marissa Lily

    Ooooooh panache, what a fancy word ;) That is a good word that is hard to define for people who don't know it. If you have panache, you know what it means :)
  • Nameless Elite

    lmao Thanks for that pic comment! The HoMeBoY gun ftw xD
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    can i be on your coke girls pics? hee.
  • Dottie Darling

    Hmm maybe I should take a pic so I can be one of The Coca-Cola Dolls...
  • Ruby DeVille

    This is a big ups in response to your "dino nuggets" post!! Thank you for keeping the dino dream alive!
  • John

    Thanks for the kind birthday wishes!
    I'll see what we can do about some pics of Cars and Guitars...lol !
  • Cassie Wanda

    I need a coke photoshoooot
  • NolaChick™ {Madam}

    What is this? A picture of the man, himself?? *dies*

    LOL. ;)
  • Marissa Lily

    I can't believe you put a pic of yourself up! I guess we weren't that privileged afterall!
  • Cassie Wanda

    I agree with Marissa. I was holding that picture hostage. Blackmail....

  • Model

    Wink Holliday

    New photo! Woo!
  • Cassie Wanda

    You just wait for that shoot.
  • Lil_Bit {★}

    Thanks for the add! whooo! I have a long way to go to be a coke girl? Hopefully not to long
  • Ama Lea Photo

    uh ok. it came of my camera so technically she stole it from me.
  • Suzzi Homewrecker

    thanks for the add
  • Raven Foxx

    I just love your keen sense of detail in the everyday mundane world you call your life. I wonder what my "life" would look like on paper...perhaps another blog in the making...hmmm. ;)

  • Model

    Wink Holliday

  • PunkGirl_Inc

  • alonibelle

  • Amanda

  • Model


  • John

  • Game Photography Edinburgh.

    haloween Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Hellsinki