
Lorelei Lee


Arlington, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
I love hot rods, muscle cars, and bikes as well as traveling and photography. I collect antiques and vintage clothing, attending car events and extensive travel.
You can find me on the following websites.
Model Mayhem or One Model Place Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Bernie Dexter

Comment Wall:

  • Desirée {PL Team}

    Hey Lorelei, welcome! Thanks for joining! I'm glad you're here, and even more glad you already posted photos!
    Now just join some groups, start some discussions in the forum, and invite your friends!
  • Edson Carlos

    Lorelei welcome to The Lifestyle! I usually offer new members a coke when they come in but your fellow texans drank every bottle I brought your way because it's so dang hot down there, so here are a bunch of cool caps! Looking forward to having you help grow this wonderful network by spreading the word and being as active as you've been in the past few minutes! ! !

  • Model

    Josie Raven

    I think your photos are great, thanks for adding me =)
  • Alley DeRosas

    Hi!!! I saw you on Atomic Pin UP!!!
  • Maila Mustang

    Thanks you sweetie. Yours are great as well. I love your platinum blond locks. Gorgeous.
  • T'Arah Craig

    no problem~! thanks for accepting!
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    wow, such a different look from kink. gorgeous, i admire both works.
  • Marissa Lily

    Thanks for the add
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    thanks, it means alot coming from one of my fav. kink models. i hope i get to meet you or say hi at least when i come to the armory on the 13th.
  • Miss Mandy Jo

    That is why I added you, I noticed something you said about being a military wife! Congrats on your hubby getting home :-D
    Mine just got back in May, he went to UAE along with many other places. But sadly he's leaving again in just a few months. It seems like they never stay home long enough in between deployments! Take care sweetheart!
    Mandy Jo
  • Tesia

    I'm pleased to meet you! You are very beautiful and talented!
  • Tesia

    It's the truth!
  • Miss Missy Photography

    Hello Beautiful LL!
  • Domination Clothing

    Thanx for the friendship..