Pinky Paradise




Profile Information:

What best describes your role in the industry?
Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist, Model
Tell us a little about yourself! (details or get declined)
The first love of my live was my mothers waredrobe .. here begins my trip to the past.
After a journey through the 20th century and different kinds of subcultures .... my way show off the possibilities for a gal in the pinup and rockabilly culture..... "Paradise" for everbody who is addicted to nostalgia .
I started to collect more and more stuff, clothes , music, movies .... not able to pass a fleamarket without snatching something awesome.
And of course the wish was born to see these wonderful things in pictures!

Well, my job is to let a girl look much more pretty than she already is.
To recall the glamour and beauty of long gone ages has become my passion over the years.
I try to recreate vintage hairdos with modern tools.... transmit them in our modern life.... And I love to see a girl next door like a pin up doll...or an actress of an old movie.
I work as a professional hair & make-up artist since 16 years.... hehehe... (yes, I started very young ... ;)

I also love to stand in front of the camera by myself , getting dressed-up and slip into a different role is always a blast!
To create a picture , starting with the idea , the search for the perfekt outfit, accesoires and a cool location is an act of creativity I don`t want to miss...

But alone you are never as good as in a team!
In europe I work together with a couple of brillant people photograhers ,artists, models, vintage shops and designers.... to name only a few as Jean-Paul Kowitz, I love his light settings , Guido alias Sergio Stiletto , Nadine from , dea of with her faboulus illustrations and the gorgeous Hell , corset designer and owner of hellmade corsets.
But the one who inspired me the most is Miss Giggles from cologne.
She made the first pin-ups of me and I am proud to call her one of my best friends now!

The biggest thing for me is to travel and learn more about different countries and cultures.... call it restless, but I start to feel these yearning since I am a small girl , with my doll in the basket in front of my bike.... going nowhere....

My next projekt at the beginning of year is trip to SoCal in april.... Hell and me will come over with a photographer from germany and a pool of corsets and stuff ..... so stay tuned .... I will post more information soon!!!

At pin up livestyle I looove the possibility to meet people on the same trip! And I really admire the energy and the spirit you put in this! Huge Thanx!!!!

Official Website or Tumblr Link:
Facebook or (gulp) MySpace Link:
How did you find PL? (Who referred you?, What site was the link on? What keywords did you search?) Be detailed, It helps us advertise and thank people!
Bernie Dexter posted a blog on myspace about this side...or was it a bulletin?Anyway,cool to be here!

Comment Wall:

  • Hellsinki

    Hey ho!
    Die Show in Weil am Rhein war Bome! Hoffe du hast dir den 22.11. schon frei gehalten.
    Liebe grüße
  • Miss Giggles

    Hellllooooo....most important favourite pin-up model and movie-star hair-dresser in the WOOOOORLD!

    Kisses and hugs....y
  • Hellsinki

    daran feile ich noch. Aber ich denke das wird schon klappen.
    = )
  • Hellsinki
    und es wird monströs
    ; )
  • Lucky Diva

    Hi Pinky!!!! :)

  • Model

    Josie Raven

    I really like your photos and those props are great!!
  • Desirée {PL Team}

    Welcome to the site, Pinky!
    Nice photos already! Can't wait to see more!!

  • Model

    Betty Red {PL Team / Madam}

    Hi! Are you a designer as well?

    I love this addicting. How are you liking it? Love the pictures...adorable!


  • Model

    Josie Raven

    Heeheehee, sorry, but I'm glad you know what I mean now =)

    And I think that your english is just fine; you put sentences together better than some who speak it as their first/only language!
  • Delyssia LaBelle {Madam}

    wow, maybe one day i can have you do my hair! the photos are amazing.
  • Lon

    hihihi, yep. Nothing better than pink.
    Love your pictures, the ones with sweetness are very cool.


  • Model

    Lorelei Lee

    Your photos are amazing!!!

  • Sooraya

    *g* ja deutsch geht auch, ich bin schwer begeistert von dir und deinen bildern *knicks*

    Really beautiful pin-up model with the special thouch of divaness.... Great Woman :)))
  • Sooraya

    was zusammen machen? na aber gerne doch, ich bin sofort dabei *jubel* *Freu* *spring*
  • katy from How Meow

    How Very Meow
  • Sooraya

    ich fang sofort an zu suchen, überlegen und machen und tun... vielleicht was in richtung stewardess... mal schauen :)
  • Chicsal

    Ich wünsche einen angenehmen Montag und natürlich einen optimalen Start in die neue Woche! (Auch wenn die hier ja total grau aussieht.)

    Danke erstmal fürs Freund sein, und ich hoffe wir laufen uns demnächst mal über den Weg?!

    Das Chicsal

    (Jeder sollte einen Laster haben.)

  • Artist

    AnnaCas PinUps

    Fantastic pics.
    kisses, AnnaCas
  • Chicsal

    Sieben reicht doch völlig.
    Andere überleben mit einer, selbst wenn diese schon aus dem letzten Loch pfeift.
    (Auf die Leistungsfähigkeit kommt es an, ich hab heute nur drei, der Rest (falls es einen gibt) hat heute Urlaub und treibt sich irgendwo rum, wo es schöner ist. In meinen warmen Gedanken vielleicht... verdammt, wenn das der Herbst ist, wie wird dann der Winter? Trostloser und energieraubender geht ja kaum noch.)

  • Artist

    AnnaCas PinUps

    Hi there. thank you for your so lovely words on my pinups!

    lots of kisses, AnnaCas
  • Chicsal

    (haha, das gibt harte N...)

    Bei mir glühen die Heizkörper auch schon, aber ich habe trotzdem das Bedürfnis mir über alles immernoch einen dicken Strickpulli oder dicke Socken anziehen zu wollen.
    Meine halber Freundeskreis (meistens Männer übrigens) besitzt bereits Heizdecken und ich erwischte mich auch schon bei dem Gedanken... und erinnerte mich dann an das Heizkissen meiner Oma, daß vor ein paar Jahren dem ganzen Haus die Sicherungen um die Ohren knallen ließ... peinlich, peinlich.
  • Chicsal

    Es regnet in mein altes Auto, und das heißt hier ja, es ist ganzjährig Nasse-Füße-beim-Autofahren-Wetter.
    Ich überlege gerade, welche Handschühchen sich denn nett an der Computertastatur machen würden.