
Let's talk about uploading photos...

Here on PL we strive for the photos on our site to be the best, and the most varied in the scene; because of that, we have photo uploading rules and guidelines that EVERYONE must follow. Since we dont have a thread on it, I thought this would be a good time to have a little chat. 

You can of course find our site and photo rules here. We feel that it's important for everyone to read these as soon as they join PL, so that they understand how we operate. If you have questions, you can always ask here in the forum, or message a Madam. 

But some rules and guidelines need a little more explaining, so that is the purpose of this thread, to make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to photos. 

1. Similar Looking Photos.  We only let a small number of photos that have the same look go up on any one persons profile. Whether they are professional modeling, amateur modeling, or candid shots. The number is 5-10 (this number is at the Madams discretion) with the same type of background, wardrobe, hair makeup, people etc.

2. Amateur Modeling Photos. We also only allow a small number of amateur modeling photos per profile. We understand that not everyone has professional photos, so we of course allow a few, but we try to cap that number at around 10 (at the Madams discretion) as well. We understand that many aspiring models have not gotten a chance to work with a pro, so one or two sets to show what you can do is fine, and encouraged. However, selfies, webcam shots, bathroom photos and blurry cell phone/point and shoot shots DO NOT count as amateur modeling. We have allowed a few of these up until this point, but they will no longer be approved.  

3. Candid Photos (Lifestyle Related). Candid photos of you and your friends, fashion shows, burlesque shows, etc are fine, as long as you understand that, again, there is a cap on how many you can have (this number is also at the Madams discretion), and that they must be Lifestyle Related. This means pin up, rockabilly, psychobilly, classic cars, chola, tattoos, burlesque...anything in our scene. This does not include holidays (including halloween), your pets, your yard, random people doing stupid things, and unless your breakfast has a tattoo and is wearing a bandana, we don't wanna see it. Those type of photos belong on Facebook, not here.

4. Children. We do not allow photos of children on PL. Unless you are a vendor who makes children's clothes and are posting them to show your work, photos of children will be declined. 

5. Product Posting. Here on PL, we LOVE our vendors, and we want you to show off your products. However, you MUST have a model in your photos. You can read more about our product posting policies here. Also, please be aware that PL is not a place to sell your products from your page, but your page is a great place to post images and info to drive traffic from the lifestyle to your site. You can also post about promotions on your page and in the forum. If you have a product you think would sell well in our store, contact The PL Team, and maybe something can be worked out.

6. Nudity. We do not, under any circumstances, allow nude photos on PL. Please do not upload them. They will be declined, and you will be put on a Madam's watch list.... and trust me, you don't want to be on that list!

7. Alt Style Photos. While we do allow Alt Pin Up photos on PL (fetish, horror, etc), we have a new sister site dedicated to the Alt Lifestyle. Check out for all types of Alt styles, you may find that you have photos that would be a better fit over there. 

8. Art. All art must follow the above rules. Not too many of the same type, no children, no nudes, and must be lifestyle related.

Lastly, please understand that this is a private site, you had to be approved as a member, we do this for a reason. We want everyone here to feel as if they belong to a family, and it's the job of the Madams and the PL Team to keep our family safe. That means that everything that gets approved is at our discretion. If we don't feel that it belongs, or is offensive, we will decine or delete it. 

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope that is clears up some peoples confusion. Feel free to ask questions or discuss below.

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    Earth Angel

    Hi Roxy! I hope that the photos that weren't accepted today didn't cause upset (unlikely, but feel the need to apologize anyway). So I'm sorry.Thank you for these clarifications. I will certainly be more conscious of my uploads and double check in the future to be sure. Clearly, I need to get some professional photos done! I don't want to offend anyone and certainly don't want to break the rules. I respect your site and this community too much for that. Thank you!

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    Roxy Tart {PL Team / Comm. Mgr}

    No worries at all! Your photos don't have to be pro, so don't feel pressured, they just need to follow the rules. Looking forward to see what you add in the future! 

    Earth Angel said:

    Hi Roxy! I hope that the photos that weren't accepted today didn't cause upset (unlikely, but feel the need to apologize anyway). So I'm sorry.Thank you for these clarifications. I will certainly be more conscious of my uploads and double check in the future to be sure. Clearly, I need to get some professional photos done! I don't want to offend anyone and certainly don't want to break the rules. I respect your site and this community too much for that. Thank you!

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    Missy Edwards

    Thank you!