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This is gonna be the first year we are gonna try to do the pool party right. We've gone other years, but have usually showed up towards the end, stayed for a bit and left.

This time around I want to set up camp and hang out all day. So my question is, HOW do you get a chair(s? We showed up last year about an hour after it started and were dying to sit down, but getting a chair was out of the question.

The next question is about bathing many of you plan on wearing an actual vintage suit? Do most people wear them?
I have searched high and low for one, and can't find my size, then the ones that do fit and I want are $150 or more and I can't spend that.

Are there any vendors that anyone knows about that might be selling them for a decent price?

If the task proves to be too difficult, which it already kinda has, I honestly just want to wear a "normal" suit and be done with it..... not even a vintage repro, just a damned bikini from my drawer. How many of you will be wearing non-vintage or rockabilly inspired swimwear?

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i know the bathing suits are pricey.... last year i wore a "normal" bathing suit.... who cares? i have never seen bathing suits for sale at viva before but i could be wrong! did you try sights like or for any? and as for chairs! thats a damn good question! maybe when you check into the orleans (if your staying there) ask the front desk! sorry im not much help!
VINTAGE SUITS BY MARY!!!!!!! Not cheap but not $150 either! Damm good quality and damm damm cute!
We were at the pool party last year, and got there late. We ended up on a ledge near the edge in the shade, which was fine. Will try and get there sooner this year. There are some nice retro suits available... They are new but super cute. If you have any questions about them just ask!

bathing suits at cats like us

you can find vintage inspired suits in stores.
at target right now they have little itsy bitty yellow polka dot bikinis.
(i bought the purple one he he)
or you could always wear a playsuit.
not everyone is in a bathing suit. some are just enjoying soaking in the sun and people watching.
(bring your parasol tho)
You may not get a chair, but do what else you can to be comfy.
*Bring a towel or mat to relax on once you find some comfortable space
*Sunscreen, parasols a must. We are in VEGAS sun!
*You will find that people are in everything from vintage swimsuits and playsuits, reproductions, regular swimsuits, sundresses, capris & tanks, etc. Dress how you want and be comfortable. If you are UNCOMFORTABLE wearing jeans when everyone else is in a vintage playsuit, then by all means wear a vintage playsuit! Some people will be showing off vintage they are proud of, some people really want to swim, and some folks are on day four or five of drinking and dancing and just want to relax. Since most people on Pinup Lifestyle are affiliated with modeling, photography, or's my advice that you represent your self how you want to be remembered. =)
xoxo Kitty Baby
Ditto everything Miss Kitty Baby says!

My own experiences:
1. To get your choice of seating area, you have to get to the pool at least an hour early. Ask a pool staffer for towels and chairs, he or she will set them up for you. Bring a book, and a wrap of some sort until the sun breaks over the top of the hotel. (Cabanas require advanced reservations and statistically, you're not getting one.) HOWEVER: Get there when you feel like it, and make friends with people! My group wound up with a bunch of unused chairs last year, and not a single stranger asked if they could join us or even take a chair over to somewhere else.
2. I've worn a vintage suit for the last three years, and have this year's vintage suit picked out and ready to go. They're cut to be supportive and flattering, and you're unlikely to see anyone else in the same outfit. Whether or not you take it into the chlorinated water is up to you, but rinse the suit thoroughly as soon as possible if you do. Insert plug here for Tiddleywink Vintage, because I'm the model for the (women's) swimsuits in addition to being the shop owner. :)
3. Modern suits are terrific if you're prepared to see "your" swimsuit on three or more other girls, and that one of them might wear it better than you. That bugs some gals, but of course not everyone. Modern suits have the advantage of being boneless, zipperless, and made with Lycra. This can make things a lot more comfortable. If you find yourself in a bind, Stop Staring has had swimsuits in their vendor booth in past years, and I think My Baby Jo has as well. Probably other vendors, but I've never paid attention.
Okay so, I have only in the last few years owned a swimsuit and I have bought a "vintage inspired" style and guess where I got it? Target!! Yep that's right! I got the kind with a little skirt attached. This year I picked up one with a cherry print.
well...I was at first intimidated to pay for a vintage suit and then just caved! but I won't swim in's my, I just went to Target and got a cute bikini that was cheap and easy and that way I can get wet, and also have a suit for the rest of the summer...and my vintage one will be great for shoots, and competitions!
Thank you!! You're right, not cheap, but still cheaper than anything you can get at a swim boutique. AND they have built in support!

Cherry Club Inc. said:
VINTAGE SUITS BY MARY!!!!!!! Not cheap but not $150 either! Damm good quality and damm damm cute!
Oh back to this topic and if you ladies don't mind shelling out the dollars, Jantzen swimwear (in my opinion) makes some really great vintage inspired swimwear, but the unfortunate part is that the suits are quite expensive but I hear they are of the best quality. I think they can be purchased at places like Macy's or on the web. I plug Tiddlywink also for purchasing a vintage one ;)
I'm wearing a vintage suit this year. Last year, weighing 50 pounds more I just wore a hawaiian shaheen copy boy Whirlingturban. Since I'm still not pleased with my legs I am wearing a sarong and bolero over the suit that was custom made from vintage 40s rayon. I haven't worn a suit in public in years, but I have an alternative suit to wear if I want to go in the hot tub or pool that is a high wasted 2 piece a friend gave me as a gift.

As for chairs, I got there late last year, but found some people I knew at the bar and camped out on a bar stool chatting the whole time I was there. I had a great time. Not sure what I'll do this year or where I will camp out. I'm usually at the hops most of the night (which is my favorite part of Viva) so I doubt I will get to the party early.
Not everyone wears a vintage suit. One year I just wore shorts and tee because I was feeling too chubby to wear my suit. I still had fun and it was nice not to have creepers taking my picture. This year I think I will need to get some type of wrap or something since I don't like my legs. I have a retro one piece and most the wraps look really stupid with it, very frustrating. I never get a chair, always late, just be sure to apply thick thick thick sunscreen and reapply often. Also, have a cute umbrella or a big hat.


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