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As artists, how do you find muses? Do you use one?

I've always wondered this about every artist I come by. I have noticed certain photographers will do their best work with a certain model and I've heard them use the term "Muse." Do they inspire you completely or do you work with them to create something wonderful?

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There are lines that can never be crossed between a model and an artist. Like I said it's a very intense relationship and things can get complicated in a hurry. A muse isn't disposable. It's a long term thing and one that any artist comes to depend on.

Cassie Wanda said:

Monkeyboy said:
You don't go looking for a muse. You can't. They find you. If you're lucky. It's a little like falling in love but it isn't love. It's a creative connectedness where muse and artist share an intense desire to make something beyond themselves. It's inspiration embodied. It's also very dangerous.
It's Cassie of course :)

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Cassie Wanda said:
Roxy Valentine?

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Did I mention My favorite Red Headed Muse?

No Way!
Maybe today....
It's a strange combination.

One, if someone is met that embodies an ideal not yet realized, kind of like a sense of knowing something, before you coin it into a catchy phrase. Someone who is what you find ideal, and can still learn from, because something about them (usually physically & personally) shows you there's more interesting things to be realized deeper than the glamour one first sees... it all makes sense, and there's new and exciting avenues to explore... it can lead to really, really profound works, if the relationship (artist-muse) is balanced properly, and, especially with young artists, healthily.

Another, is when someone is met that already fits a tossed-around with, but long-favourite ideal; basically, you meet someone with the physical specs with what you consider perfect (or near-perfect.)

Mine, personally, have been dynamic (and/or very exotic) -looking and very in-tune to my tastes and personality; it's a natural attraction that makes my occasional muses very happy with my work.

Just be sure, girls, that should you venture into something romantic with your patron, that it's more of a creative, like-minded attraction, and not simply physical on his part. You might fall for his attentions, and he might just be a young artist with a weakness for a pretty face of the month. Pygmalion. Galatea. Enough said!

I'm still very good friends with my muses, both exes and long-time friends, and very much miss my latest one, all the way in New York, both of us over-eager to work with each other, both of us far too busy and poor to visit in the near future. In fact, I spoke with her today. :)
My definition of a muse is a little less long term...Nothing romantic involved, or anything.( I have a wife for that) But It is a little like falling in love, I suppose, when you are first captivated by the way they look and you wonder how the whole world doesnt realize how beautiful she is...and then you go draw/paint it so they can. :)
I like this definition. <3

Michael's art said:
My definition of a muse is a little less long term...Nothing romantic involved, or anything.( I have a wife for that) But It is a little like falling in love, I suppose, when you are first captivated by the way they look and you wonder how the whole world doesnt realize how beautiful she is...and then you go draw/paint it so they can. :)
This post made me think. ...and now I kinda feel like I'm missing out on something. I don't think I've ever really had a muse. Or at least I've never thought of it that way. When it comes to my art I've always been kind of an introvert; blocking out the rest of the world and letting my own thoughts and the music I'm listening to drive my work. I've never worked with any one model for a length of time, so I can't say I have a single muse, but I do pull inspiration from every model/subject I'm drawing.
Andrea's art is amazing! Love it!

chavezart said:
i'm not sure how it works for other artist. I tend to make up most of my work from different images or just from constant study of anatomy. Usually if i see someone I want to draw though, it comes down to the pose and how natural the image seems to be. there is almost a caricature needed in a models expression to make a nice pinup. wide eyes, raised eyebrows, big smile. a study of works from Elvgren, Runci, Medcalf, Petty and many others would help, all are good examples of this. It has to be an image where the model looks as if she was "caught in the moment" and not really trying to deliberately be sexy. so if i find an image i like, i'll ask the model if i can work from it, but!!.....thats just the start though, a persons personality really influences my decision as to whether i'll draw them or not.

as far as the models i work with. I tend to stick with my buddy Andrea Young, and Ruby martini as well. both are really mellow and down to earth. confident but never arrogant. Andrea i didnt even know was a model. I just liked her art. things kind of worked themselves out from there.
-Mario C.
I've never had a full muse but instead I just see that spark in whomever and try to expand upon it.
I always thought of a muse as something more than just a pretty girl to paint/draw/photograph. To me it means more. She should inspire growth and possible evolution of one's art. I'm not sure if a physical form could do this alone tho. My feelings is that personality plays a much bigger part in this. Personality is the icing that gives that makes the cake.

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