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So that dreadful Valentine's Day has come and gone...and it really got me thinking about the sorry state of the dating scene here. And the quality of young guys in this town. I dunno is it the same elsewhere? In Toronto there are just too many guys who are obsessed with fitting into skinny jeans, shopping at American Apparel and listening to the latest hipster rock tripe.
It's so difficult to find a guy who likes decent music and dresses with some real style.
Also guys my age just seem rude and so self-centered. They can't even bothered to hold the door open for a girl, never mind hearing a compliment about your looks..
It makes me wish I'd been around in a different era like the 40s or 50s. So yeah depressing thoughts on Valentine's this year! : (
Is it this bad in other cities? I'd really like to know.

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Anita Fixx said:
So it's pretty much agreed that older men are better, yes?
If I could I would date Paul Simonon (from the Clash) and he's already in his 50s I believe. And still soooooo hot!!
He can rob my cradle any day! lol Does that sound right?

He is also a painter which makes him even better
I've got to say, I don't think it's just the boys I'm afraid.

Everyone seems to be getting ruder, louder and more entitled... Manners and any kind of self awareness seem to be a thing of the past. Everyone seems to have lost the ability to be pleasant and, most alarmingly, I am always pleasantly surprised when I meet someone who is polite/interesting/different. I constantly get mocked for being a bit 'posh' (as in I can speak properly and form a sentence) and old fashioned (as in I was raised by my mother -incredible woman - to respect other people and have manners) and find it all a bit sad that I can hold doors without getting a thank you or simply compliment someone and have them immediately assume that I want to sleep with them (you might have nice shoes on, it doesn't make you the hottest thing on earth or turn me into a slavering sex fiend... It just means you picked a nice pair of shoes to wear and I noticed).

It does feel quite stagnant out there and I don't envy anyone who has to dig through this current crop of girls and boys to find someone nice. Maybe they've all gone undercover to avoid the incredibly loud mouths and stinky attitudes of the 'oh so hip' cool kids who are taking over the earth with their 'uniqueness'.
Wink Holliday said:
My "independence" comes directly from my mom, who was an equal rights activist who felt that if women were to be treated as equals, then we had damn well better act like them.

I completely agree, I remember on my first few dates with my boyfriend him paying all the time and not letting me pay, I felt really bad. There's nothing wrong with paying, splitting the bill, lending money as long as it's equal, be it your friend, your boyfriend or in fact pretty much anyone but your parents (though I still feel bad, and get my Dad a drink when were out at the pub!)

People do seam to just be rude, all over the place. You just got to say thank you when someone is polite, don't expect it (manners and politeness that is!), and behave how you would want someone else to behave towards you.

Yes...this is too true. People in general are just rude pigs these days...I went to see the Oscars at Bloor Cinema and this f***** idiot made a hissing sound every time they mentioned the "Dark Knight" and Heath Ledger. Hissing a dead man? I'm sorry but that's f****** disgusting and I hope he got hit by a bus on the way home!
People have no respect these days not even for the dead.
I guess he was never taught the phrase "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". Gees..I learned that when I was like four years old! Anyway I still had fun despite the idiots in the theatre.
And don't get me started on "hip, cool" kids and their shitty attitude.

Los Furias Tiki said:
I've got to say, I don't think it's just the boys I'm afraid.

Everyone seems to be getting ruder, louder and more entitled... Manners and any kind of self awareness seem to be a thing of the past. Everyone seems to have lost the ability to be pleasant and, most alarmingly, I am always pleasantly surprised when I meet someone who is polite/interesting/different. I constantly get mocked for being a bit 'posh' (as in I can speak properly and form a sentence) and old fashioned (as in I was raised by my mother -incredible woman - to respect other people and have manners) and find it all a bit sad that I can hold doors without getting a thank you or simply compliment someone and have them immediately assume that I want to sleep with them (you might have nice shoes on, it doesn't make you the hottest thing on earth or turn me into a slavering sex fiend... It just means you picked a nice pair of shoes to wear and I noticed).

It does feel quite stagnant out there and I don't envy anyone who has to dig through this current crop of girls and boys to find someone nice. Maybe they've all gone undercover to avoid the incredibly loud mouths and stinky attitudes of the 'oh so hip' cool kids who are taking over the earth with their 'uniqueness'.
Yeah...we could share a studio and paint together...(day dreaming) : P

Kitty said:
Anita Fixx said:
So it's pretty much agreed that older men are better, yes?
If I could I would date Paul Simonon (from the Clash) and he's already in his 50s I believe. And still soooooo hot!!
He can rob my cradle any day! lol Does that sound right?

He is also a painter which makes him even better

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