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Cold Weather Pin Ups. What to wear and how to wear it.

So I'm all about folding up my jeans and having capris on EVERYDAY in the summer... unless I have on a cute sundress. So what the heck am I gonna do come winter? It happenes every year, I get all grumpy after fall when I feel like it's time to retire my pencil skirts and halter dresses and peep toes and .... I'm just not happy about it. I feel like I can't a good vintage style going with freakin' pants on. What do you ladies wear in the winter? Am I the only wimp that tucks her cute skirts in the back of the closet?

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Here's a picture (not the greatest of the coat) of me wearing the fur I snagged from my Gma's attic this summer. It's dark brown with a cute embroidered silk liner (which is sadly stained from decades of nicotine build up)

It's warm and divine, this winter I will throw it on over any summer outfit to winterize it, but being in the great frozen north (AKA Canada) if I'll be doing any major walking/playing/shoveling in the snow, I'll dig out some fleece lined rubber boots, jeans with long johns underneath and a flannel jacket (and a few more layers for good luck). I also wear mittens with idiot strings (those with small children or who were once small children will remember these) and a ski mask when it gets uber bad. No, I'm not the only one and no, most Canadians don't think you're a robber, just brilliant and face-frostbite-free ;p
Oh my goodness! Hats, gloves, FAUX fur coats *;.), scarves, stockings, corselettes, petty-coats, full skirts, Kate Hepburn pants... all of these are uber glamorous and perfectly suited for cooler weather! Fall is my favorite & best time of the year!
Beautiful Faux fur... well, everything, really!
Personally I keep most of my wardrobe out all year. Like some previous posts I can't go without my skirts and heels even in the winter. I generally have a nice thick cardigan and if driving will wear a heavy winter coat which I just leave in the car if there's no coat service when going out.
Long wool skirts and cashmere, lots of angora, lots of thick off the shoulder sweaters or cowl necks.
This season I'm wanting to try nice wool stockings with short skirts. My favorite place is They also have a wide variety of fall print hosiery.
You can always cut longjohns to fit under a cute strappy top under a cardigan, likewise for bottoms. I've had good luck with doing this.
I go for wool thigh high socks and sock garters!

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
Do you ladies really like wearing tights? I know they are the best way to keep your legs warm, but I hate tights, pantyhose, and all things like them. I'd rather freeze..... so tell me, how do you ladies wear them comfortably?
I know they aren't the classic pin-up style, but I have a soft spot for hot knee high, high-heeled boots. I know I cannot be everywhere, so when there is snow on the ground, grab an escort to help you when there is snow on the ground!

PS: I am always a fan of the leather gloves of all lengths!
i love winter! it means i can spend my days wearing circle skirts with thin cashmere sweaters and jeweled camisoles. big wool swing coats with shiny military buttons and lovely leather boots and dark stockings! winter is a great time for vintage fashion, you just need to find a good balance that's all. i just bought a new navy pencil skirt for winter to match my navy wool coat, so don't ditch the skirts and the peep-toes, embrace them and pair them with elbow length leather gloves and ladylike handbags. come on girl, the weather may be cold but that doesn't mean you can't look hot! ♥ ◕‿◕
Thanks gals this really helps. I was wondering the same thing. I gave up all my cute clothes last winter due to pregnancy and the cold but not this year!
I found this and thought of this thread right away.

You don't have to retire your pencil skirts. Just pair with a cute pair of wool tights and a sweet cardigan!
does anyone have any good ideas for some flat shoes maybe? this is where i always seem to struggle at winter, i love my furrs and wool tights and waist belts galore, but with the weather we get here, heels are just a no go unless you want to break your neck in the horrible ice, like those t-straps are beautiful but just not good for me to wear :( and most boots i see just don't seem to go with anything, and flats just get too cold! if anyone has found any nice pairs of ankle boots please share?
Since it's that time of the year and people are starting to talk about this again, I wanted to give it a bump. Ladies, please feel free to add new your warm weather ideas!

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