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What's up with some people making the same face in every picture?

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Maybe it's time for PL "Post a set where you make the same face in every photo".

Briana said:
omg thats so scary.
i'm guilty of it too but not in EVERY my face isnt scary when i do it either
This Myspace girl seems to always have the same expression.

haaaa, hillarious. maybe she feels confident when she makes that face?????????????????
One has to have one's signature look.
Tyra says so.
All U h8rs R just jeluz.

LOL Thanks for the laugh! But I feel bad for these girls. They don't know we're talking about them right?
Magnum BABY !!!

OMG!!! Toooooo funny!
WOW.............if I were to make the same face..I would deff choose a better one...and beat the HELL outta my friends for not telling me I looked like that! hahaha
Hilarious!!! Love it!!!
Max Headroom said:

OMG!! The pics in motion had me cracking up so hard my sides are hurting!!
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA AY MAX! you crack me up...with yo sexy face ! MUAH!!
Max Headroom said:


PL Girls Same Face set. Come on, you give DC the Coke thing and it only legitimizes his addiction. Time to make a picture set of all the hotties rockin the same expression. I know you girls can do it. Oh and I offered to post a pic of myself earlier today when I got outta the shower but no one was around or seemed to care. Meh. Seems all the messages and complaining are for notta. Night ladies, take care.

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