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This was in the old forum, but I'm bringing it back.  What's your favorite alcoholic drink? 

When I'm chillin (or playing caps or A**h***), I like beer - Bud Light, Newcastle, Guinness.

When I'm feeling girly, I like sex on the beach, midori sour, or purple hooters.

When I want to get effed up, it's all about the Jagermeister!

So, what's your poison?

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If I'm sticking to my diet, it's Johnny Walker Black and soda water. It's only 40 calories per ounce! Thank God for Johnny! Otherwise, maybe a vodka and soda water with lime (60 calories) or a mojito made with splenda instead of simple syrup.
I always forget about mojitos! but they dont seem like a real drink drink to me. I could drink those things like water theyre so yummy.:)
wild turkey. straight shots, the only way!
Woo! Girlfriend, you are hardcore! :)

Kitty Camrai {★} said:
wild turkey. straight shots, the only way!
Jamesons! I forgot how much I love Jamesons and coke! Make it a double to :)
haha, well it does the trick ;)

Cherri Bombe said:
Woo! Girlfriend, you are hardcore! :)

Ive been known to like pretty weak drinks. I'm not a huge drinker, I get contact tipsy from others lol

Kit Karson said:
I always forget about mojitos! but they dont seem like a real drink drink to me. I could drink those things like water theyre so yummy.:)
If I'm feeling somewhat classy it's Martinis..any type, Manhattan,Cosmo,Blue Lagoon,etc.
If I just wanna get a good buzz it's rum, rum and coke especially (Tralier Park Boys style) : P
And since I'm Chilean I'm under contractual obligation to say
Not so much red unless I feel like getting wasted but white wine.
And here's a tip although it does'nt help you Americans I'm afraid..rum in Cuba is dirt cheap!! Like 3 dollars for a bottle that would cost $30 in North America! So if you can get down there for some bargains on alcohol!
Same with Chile..the wine and pisco is especially cheap. And they never card anyone! Which is good for me cause I still look like I'm 14! lol And when you go out to eat you'll get an apertif (shot of liqour) and an after dinner shot as compliments (FREE). A dream come true for drunks everywhere. Haha! : P
A dream come true indeed. I have a puerto rican friend who is married to an Argentinian, and she can drink me under the table. If I tell her that, she'll be looking for an excuse to go to Chile!

Anita Fixx said:
If I'm feeling somewhat classy it's Martinis..any type, Manhattan,Cosmo,Blue Lagoon,etc.
If I just wanna get a good buzz it's rum, rum and coke especially (Tralier Park Boys style) : P
And since I'm Chilean I'm under contractual obligation to say
Not so much red unless I feel like getting wasted but white wine.
And here's a tip although it does'nt help you Americans I'm afraid..rum in Cuba is dirt cheap!! Like 3 dollars for a bottle that would cost $30 in North America! So if you can get down there for some bargains on alcohol!
Same with Chile..the wine and pisco is especially cheap. And they never card anyone! Which is good for me cause I still look like I'm 14! lol And when you go out to eat you'll get an apertif (shot of liqour) and an after dinner shot as compliments (FREE). A dream come true for drunks everywhere. Haha! : P
Tell her to go for the summer (December-March)..the beaches there are amazing! And who says you can't swim drunk? lol Maybe we can trade places because I wanna go to Argentina to get bargains on..well, everything since their prices are even cheaper. : )

Bodacious Betty said:
A dream come true indeed. I have a puerto rican friend who is married to an Argentinian, and she can drink me under the table. If I tell her that, she'll be looking for an excuse to go to Chile!

Anita Fixx said:
If I'm feeling somewhat classy it's Martinis..any type, Manhattan,Cosmo,Blue Lagoon,etc.
If I just wanna get a good buzz it's rum, rum and coke especially (Tralier Park Boys style) : P
And since I'm Chilean I'm under contractual obligation to say
Not so much red unless I feel like getting wasted but white wine.
And here's a tip although it does'nt help you Americans I'm afraid..rum in Cuba is dirt cheap!! Like 3 dollars for a bottle that would cost $30 in North America! So if you can get down there for some bargains on alcohol!
Same with Chile..the wine and pisco is especially cheap. And they never card anyone! Which is good for me cause I still look like I'm 14! lol And when you go out to eat you'll get an apertif (shot of liqour) and an after dinner shot as compliments (FREE). A dream come true for drunks everywhere. Haha! : P
I've been known to partake of a whiskey sour, gin an tonic, and the occasional martini (the real ones, if words other than 'gin' and 'vermouth' are in the recipe then it's not a martini, no matter what glass you serve it in or what vowel the name ends with).

But my true loves are rum and absinthe. Personal favorite rums are Sailor Jerry's, Pyrat XO Reserve, and Captain Morgans Private Stock. In that order, lol.

My all time favorite absinthe has gotta be the St. George that Cherry Cyanide mentioned earlier. Though I'll have to try the Kubler now, with your recomendation!

Oh, and beer... but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish, lol.
If you like St. George, you may be disappointed by Kubler- it has a much milder taste. The punch comes afterward. Obsello is similar in that respect, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm not a huge fan of Lucid. It's drinkable.

That Cat in the Hat {★} said:
I've been known to partake of a whiskey sour, gin an tonic, and the occasional martini (the real ones, if words other than 'gin' and 'vermouth' are in the recipe then it's not a martini, no matter what glass you serve it in or what vowel the name ends with).

But my true loves are rum and absinthe. Personal favorite rums are Sailor Jerry's, Pyrat XO Reserve, and Captain Morgans Private Stock. In that order, lol.

My all time favorite absinthe has gotta be the St. George that Cherry Cyanide mentioned earlier. Though I'll have to try the Kubler now, with your recomendation!

Oh, and beer... but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish, lol.

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