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I've noticed that a lot of people like zombies. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE Vampires. Zombies don't appeal to me the way Vampires do. Fast, deadly, beautiful, intelligent - I think everything about Vampires is amazing!

So the question is: What attracts you to zombies?

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LOL!!!! I love that movie!!! I'm quite partial to Zombies myself.

Wink Holliday said:
You've a bit of red on you.
Zombies, to me, are a symbolism of one of the greatest movies I've ever seen...Night of the Living Dead. I'm a fan of George Romero and all his Zombie movies. Though personally, I prefer Vampires over Zombies...
It's apples and oranges, I think!
With zombies it's the same reason why people love to stare at car accidents. It's horrifying to fathom the site of it but you simply must look...the idea of dead brain eating people coming back to life is fun to think of because we get to view the world as a deconstruction of mankind but, we wouldn't want one at our window at night trying to claw it's way in!
Vampires are a whole other ballpark. That comes from the fantasy side of things...from the super human obsession we all seem to have. The dominate and secretive sexy stuff. Yeah!
I just love both!
(Zombies are more fun to draw though...gotta say that.)
I don't know but is a good way divide the dark side men, there are those who love zombi girls and guys who love vampire women.

Me I like vampires, a women with fangs definitely gets my attention!
I love Vampires too, always portrayed as sexy and mysterious!
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.
You were naked in a zombie movie and now you have a thing for them... well now that's interesting.

Roxy Tart said:
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.
The interesting thing was that I was the zombie....

Dottie Darling said:
You were naked in a zombie movie and now you have a thing for them... well now that's interesting.

Roxy Tart said:
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.
Vampires are too serious. They are trying to still figure out the meaning of life after death. they still fall in love with the living. ect. Zombies on the other hand have it all figured out. They travel in large groups. They don't hide who the are. They just walk right up and eat your brain. There is something about simplicity.
In my mental "Undead Love"file, Zombies embrace my ugly side. Vampires (my first love) embrace my sexy, dark romantic side.

Google "philosophy of zombies"...interesting stuff. I like the notion of being a zombie...they are primitive, feeling no pain, but driven to destroy. That's me in the mornings before coffee!

I saw a special where they discussed how George Romero's films make a statement about the zombies as a reflection of commercialized society. Horror with it!
You were a naked zombie?? now everyone is going to be curious about this!
Roxy Tart said:
The interesting thing was that I was the zombie....

Dottie Darling said:
You were naked in a zombie movie and now you have a thing for them... well now that's interesting.

Roxy Tart said:
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.
Yeah I'm definitely curious.

Marissa Lily said:
You were a naked zombie?? now everyone is going to be curious about this!
Roxy Tart said:
The interesting thing was that I was the zombie....

Dottie Darling said:
You were naked in a zombie movie and now you have a thing for them... well now that's interesting.

Roxy Tart said:
I like anything horror, but zombies do have a special place in my heart... mainly because I was in a really bad zombie movie... naked. Since then, I kinda have a thing for them.

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