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This year I paid for my frist profession shoot. Sadly I have not got my edits... and it is now seven months from the date of shoot.with the pomise of images being delivered three months after thw shoot. I am sad this happen to me and need some encouraging words from other models to get back into shooting again. I feel so bitter about the entire situation that I haven't had the heaet to shoot in a while. Sigh, I just need some encouraging words..

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There is no reason not to shoot with someone else just because you worked with a bad apple. All photographers are not a*******, and in fact most are good people. You should however contact the photographer and talk to him or her making sure you get your photos. You payed for them, so you should have them delivered or get a refund. 

Bottom line is, if one bad experience is going to make it so that you don't want to shoot anymore, you might not be cut out for modeling. It's a tough field, and crappy things happen, you just have to shake it off and keep moving forward. 

Thanks. I still shoot even to this day after the issue happen just tf shoots I am just not about to pay for a shoot for a very long time. It is sad because the person I paid to do the shoot with is very famous in the pin up world. I am bitter at the fact I am now having to go to small claims court to get my money back and have a disc of useless unedit images I have not legal rights to get edited.

I hate to hear this Bella. I personally would never expect a model to have to wait 7 months for images. 3 months to me seems excessive to start with. Hopefully at least you can recoup the cost back. Then the judgement will be public on the court decision. Searchable to others. If I was closer, I would do a TF shoot with you for sure. Let us know how this comes out, hope it's in you're favor. 

Thanks retro images, I hope this final email to this person will be the wake up call. If I field small claims and win, I have no problem warning others of their acts. I guess they want to ruin their reputation. I can be koi for oh so long...

Just make sure you document all communications with him, from the initial contact on to date. Print the emails out for the judge. Bottom line is, you payed for a product and have never received it. Let us know how this comes out, good luck.

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