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We've all done 'em, so lets see 'em. Post up your victory rolls!!

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I hear you on that kitty

Kitty Camrai said:
what's odd is that i really dont have a problem doing them...where i always fail is when its time to actually pin them down. they always completely fall apart or get completely distorted or just not tight enough. my hair sucks and is super duper thick and heavy :(

I took this picture for my friend. She made the flower in my hair and wanted to see it. Lol, I blinked.
Its really a great shot of you. I like it

Lolita Black said:

I took this picture for my friend. She made the flower in my hair and wanted to see it. Lol, I blinked.
I attempted my first set of these and they turned out blahh. Still trying, I checked out Mrs. fremont Street(sp). Followed her tutorial, Ill try them again later. Thank you ladies
If you need a little "help" with rolling them...(I tend to do this when I'm in a hurry and/or my arms/back are killing me)...get a magnetic roller (the smooth roller with the holes in it) and remove the casing. Using that, hold it about two thirds up the length of hair to be rolled and wrap the end around then holding tightly roll it down towards your head, keeping the hair tightly wound on it. Once you've got it close to the head, slide it out, holding the roll as you do so and then pin as needed and dose it with heavy duty hairspray. The rollers are the perfect size for a day look victory roll and if you want a little more oomph...after you remove the roller pull the roll to enlarge it...basically use the fingers on your other hand to tug it a bit while holding it with the other to enlarge the opening. Do not pull the back or front pull it to the side towards the middle of your head.

The roller keeps the hair tight while your rolling and holding. You can get the rollers at any dollar store.

Lisa Freemont Street had fantastic tutorials on victory rolls. Roxie I believe posted some great links up to her vids.

Lorilei Jupiter said:
I would really like so tips on how to do them, I have semi straight hair, I put it in pin curls at night, tried them this morning and they looked horrible. so please give me some great tips, should I traighten my hair then do them?? All of yours are lovely.

This is me at last year's Goodwood Revival in September; such a good day!

Goodwood Revival 2009 Victory Rolls Vintage

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