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We've all done 'em, so lets see 'em. Post up your victory rolls!!

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Barbie has great rolls,

^I did the hair on the second girl from the left. Found it's WAY easier to do on someone else than on myself!^

oh how i have tried and tried... and failed and failed :( this is as close as i got:
Rocked 'em on my wedding day!


your wedding looked awesome! and you looked beautiful!

Betty Red {M} said:
Rocked 'em on my wedding day!


Thank you, Sugar! :)

Kitty Camrai said:
your wedding looked awesome! and you looked beautiful!

Betty Red {M} said:
Rocked 'em on my wedding day!


I would really like so tips on how to do them, I have semi straight hair, I put it in pin curls at night, tried them this morning and they looked horrible. so please give me some great tips, should I traighten my hair then do them?? All of yours are lovely.

Hey Lorilei,
victory rolls are quite hard to get the hang of at first, they look easier to do than they are, you need to train your hair to do what you want with it, my hair is straight and fine which is a nightmare but i get some good victory rolls out of them, maybe try some hot irons, or rollers to get your hair to wavy, backcombing your hair works wonders, make's it so much easier to move your hair into the right position.
if you search on You tube for pin up hair dos, there are some great videos that will give you step by step instructions.
Sailor Cherry xox
The easiest and quickest way of doing them, in my opinion, is to use heated rollers:

*Take a strip of hair, roll backwards so the hair is facing back from the face
*Repeat on a strip of hair behind this one
*Repeat again on the other side of the head
* Wait until cooled and unroll the rollers carefully
*Using a vented brush, brush the hair onto the back of your hair so it's smooth
*Using your fingers roll them into a coil and pin

If that wasn't clear, here's a couple of youtube links (One from my favourite hair lady Lisa Freemont Street): (doesn't use any heated rollers or pin curls)

Hope that helped :)

Lorilei Jupiter said:
I would really like so tips on how to do them, I have semi straight hair, I put it in pin curls at night, tried them this morning and they looked horrible. so please give me some great tips, should I traighten my hair then do them?? All of yours are lovely.

THanks ladies, I think LOL I need to not curl my hair tonight and let it air dry then try it in the morning. I do love the art of PIn Curls tho.. Its so much fun if you dont have a one year old bouncing on you while your doing it LOL. :) Mrs. Roulette i saw Mrs. Freemont street, THank you Her video is one i followed last night. :) I got one done well but this mornings one was rotten. :( Ill try thenm again in the morning. :)
what's odd is that i really dont have a problem doing them...where i always fail is when its time to actually pin them down. they always completely fall apart or get completely distorted or just not tight enough. my hair sucks and is super duper thick and heavy :(

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