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This is crazy...the tattooed Barbie even comes with a tattoo gun so you can put the stickers anywhere! It's starting controversy with parents whom I think need to lighten the hell up. They're not even the fake tattoos they are just damn stickers. What young girl doesn't put stickers on her when she's little?! If it was "Totally Stylin' Sticker Barbie" nobody would give a s***. I think some parents need to understand that over protecting your child from the realities of life will only breed rebellious behavior down the road. Just because your kid wants a Barbie with tattoo stickers doesn't mean she's going to be a f*** up when she gets older, not if you are a good role model. Man, this really got me fired up for some reason.

Oh and here's the commercial

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haha.. This is ridiculous. Being the consumers that Americans are you think this wouldnt be an issue.
hahahahah Wow. I have never been a fan of Barbie. To me, she has always been a representation of the way our society believes a woman must look like in order to be successful and happy, so it is hard for me to give an unbiased opinion but.....

REALLY???? What are people complaining about? She is still Barbie. She looks the same and her tattoos are fluffy bunnies, pink butterflies and smiling panda bears. Now, if her cute little tattoo gun was packin' gnarly, flesh torn skulls or naked pinup gals or ghetto gangsta' slang, I could justify parents being concerned about the age appropriateness of this toy but.... COME ON!!

To me it all goes back to the whole
hypocrisy issue we have here in our society (and everywhere else, I'm sure). Our religions and governments make a point to try and teach morals with words of wisdom and laws (in this case) like "Do not judge, or you too will be judged," or , "Don't judge a book by it's cover", or "presume innocence, until proven guilty". This is a FANTASTIC idea to teach... to not make decisions about what kind of a person one is based on the way they look or EVEN act until you know all the facts or until you know who that person is. Even then, what gives us (as a single person) the right to say that WE are a good judge of character? At any rate, I don't think we practice it, as a whole. I don't know a SINGLE person out there (including myself) who doesn't say or think shitty things about other people based on just a single look. We all do it... out of habit and insecurity and FEAR, I suppose. Lately, I have been making a point to NOT do this but I find that stupid little knit-picky things just pop into my head sometimes....UNCONSCIOUSLY. I didn't realize before how bad it actually was! Makes me kind of sad, really.

OK, so now that Syd has over-analyzed yet ANOTHER item of discussion......

I wonder why they haven't come out with Comfortably Curvy Plus Size Barbie, Itty Bitty A-Cup Barbie or Big-Backside Booty Barbie and Boyishly Buff Barbie....... What about a Barbie to represent the rest of us out there? I suppose someone would complain about that too.... :P


Honey B Hooligan {M} said:

I agree with you COMPLETELY on that one!!!

Switchblade Smythe said:
Trust me... a tattooed Barbie should be the least of a parent's concern for their child. I see it everyday in my profession as a cop. A kid with an attitude, disrespectful to teachers and other adult authority figures, committing crimes... self entitled little punks who never take responsibility for their actions. Then I meet their parents and that explains EVERYTHING. A damn Barbie will not destroy your kid. It is the parent who lacks morales, respect, and understanding... the parent who fails to discipline and mentor is what ruins a kid, not the toys they play with.
I can vouch for that! Aunt Betty taught them everything she knows while watching Little Einstein's (and it's not ALL bad).... how to pick their noses and give wet willy's...... LOL ;P I love you Miss Red

Betty Red {M} said:
I grew up arround tattoos, and own quite the (growing) collection myself and this is a subject that always gets me heated. First off - if you have tattoos you are no less of a person. I have had people treat me awful because of them, or give me shitty service because of them...without even knowing the first thing about me. I don't do drugs, I don't go get drunk every single night of the week, I don't steal, I don't cheat. I go to work 9-5, pay my bills, own my own home, my own car, plant flowers in my garden and snuggle up to my best friends babies while we watch Little Einstiens. I am a human being who loves and different then anyone else, just because you are black or brown or green or purple doesn't mean you are a bad person. America needs to get over judging people by looks - we all breathe the same air and bleed blood. We all laugh and cry and smile and frown. We are all human. I see nothing wrong with a tattooed barbie, and actually like the idea. Teaching someone to express a little independence is NOT a bad thing...and it most certainally WON'T spawn a f*** up of a child down the road. Like Seanna said - over protecting your child like that will only spawn rebellious behavior down the road.

I have had people ask me, "What are your children going to learn from your tattoos?" And I always shoot back..."it will teach them not to judge people by the way they look, because tattoos or no tattoos...we are going to be awesome, loving, good parents. "
Yeeeeeahhh! That's right! Good point there Delyssia.

Delyssia LaBelle {M} said:
temporary tattoos have been around forever, cracker jacks people. and fruit stripe gum. thats all i have to say.

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