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There's no time for being rude when you're a Pin-Up

I have met some people who dress like retro pin-ups lately. The real deal ladies make it easier on me, the fad followers just make things more pricey. They have $ to throw away. The gals who are true to the style dress in their best & buy it likes it's going out of style. The real gals are comfortable with themselves. They are coming out of the wood work like crazy, I'm really glad. When that happens, things that spark my intrest get slightly cheaper. I'm always broke, so that's good when it's on sale. I also go thru my nana's, her sister, & my other granny's things. They are used to it, I've done this all my life. They think it's cute. Party/costume stores are also good, & I pretty much live at antique stores. I have met some stuck up girls tho, they think they are the only Pin-Ups ever. I didn't invent the look, I'm not THE original. I'm just original. I've also met some really sweet gals, both on here & in person. It's great to know I'm not the only one out there & your coments that are up-lifiting get me thru the day. Thank you so much for those. Thank you for being you. Thank you for alowing me to be me. Now when I come across those who are stuck on themselves or think "it's just a fad" I realize, I'm better than that. Not that I have an ego, but I'm more pleasant than those who have a swollen ego. Thanks ladies & gents, you are great.

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I have been shooting pinup and boudoir for 3 years now. I recently have done shoots with 2 ladies who are 24/7/365 pinup ladies. They have their own wardrobe and have a full understanding of what pinup is. These women make my job so easy. They also think I am amazing and wonderful since they finally found someone who "gets it" when it comes to the classic pinup arts. I wouldn't say I am amazing, just studied and delighted to have them walk into my studio.
When I was a young adult in the 70's ,I dressed like my Mom had done in the 40's. I loved that era and was fortunate enough to have been given clothing and accessories from relatives. The return of the 40's look has thrilled me beyond words.
Everything pinup is exciting, fun, and unique. I am greatful to have a studio where I can help women capture their love of pinup too. You keep living the PL and loving every second of it.
no no, Thank YOU! Live the Lifestyle, LOVE the Lifestyle.
Awwww.....shucks...<3. Just live what you love!
I have meet some stuck up pinups as well but it is good to know that out there in industry you can as well meet some really nice people. I guess some girls just get it over their head and forget about the true passion they once had.

Keep it up!!


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