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OKay you all know the saying "blonds have more fun." but is that true? I want to hear what you ladies and guys have to say. So do blonds have more fun? Or do dark haired or red heads?

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I've never been a blonde, however, I have been every other natural (and un-natural) color. I have to say I love being a red-head best! I think it depends on how ever you feel most confident!
I've been blonde, I've been brunette, I've been raven haired, and I'm finally a red head, and I have to say, while all the rest were "meh"...I'm having a hell of a time with my fiery locks.
Glad you agree ; )

Pin-ups Hair Design Inc. said:
Christina Misae said:
Personally my hair is almost jet black to start with so even if I wanted to go blonde I couldn't. That said I have never had any trouble attracting attention from anyone, no matter if I am dressed up or down. I think it all depends on your confidence and self esteem. And what does hair color matter anyway? Every woman is beautiful, no matter what!

Love it... well said.
I'm a blonde who went blonder, but I likede being red too. I think it all depends on who u are before hand.
I was a redhead (just like my mom, and her father), before my stylist decided that I should go brunette with chunky blonde streaks. Over time, the blonde streaks grew and grew, and without me really noticing, I'd actually gone blonde! I was happy to lose the blonde, and I went brunette with Road Hazard Orange underneath for a couple of years. Now I keep the bottom white-blonde, and the top black with one blonde streak. I'm having more fun than ever, but it has nothing to do with my hair!
I think the girl that's most comfortable in her hair color has the most fun. I loved being blonde. I definitely got a lot of attention but I find that strangers (especially women) tend to be nicer to me now that I'm red again. I don't really understand why it should make one bit of difference. I do miss the platinum every so often (but I'm afraid getting it back might result in all my hair breaking off) but I'm very happy with the color I have now. My hair is a pinkish red and I definitely have no problems getting noticed. But honestly, I have a ton of fun no matter what my hair color!
Ha! Cute topic! ;)

I'd have to say that I had the most fun as a redhead personally but I notice that blonds tend to get noticed the fastest. When I walk around with my girl, T, who is a stunningly beautiful blond, she always gets talked to first, complimented first etc. and I currently have black hair. Guess it all depends on the girl but I'll always think that redheads are the hottest! <3
All I have to say is....Redheads kick!! :)

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