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OKay you all know the saying "blonds have more fun." but is that true? I want to hear what you ladies and guys have to say. So do blonds have more fun? Or do dark haired or red heads?

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True the attention you get as a blond is not always the best but regardless I love my hair.
And having fun is a matter of personality, not hair.
I have to say that brunettes have more fun lol. I was born with super blonde hair.. and since I was 16 I have dyed it black, and will not be going back to blonde.
I have been ALL colours and I love being a redhead. Maybe it's my particular shade and my personality but being a redhead has it's perks! But I do agree with the statement that it has to be the right colour for you. Not everyone can pull off blond, black, red or green for that matter (Raquel Reed is one sexy teal haired woman). When your comfortable, your sexy.
Isn't that an interesting point that the human eye is drawn to lighter shades. Funny!
I've always wondered how the stereotype started that blondes have more fun, blonde being ditzy or dumb or what have you. Some stereotypes attached to blondes aren't exactly positive so I've wondered how it all started. I found out that only 16% of American women are born blonde. During the Roman Empire only prostitutes had blonde hair and if the women of nobility wanted to be perceived to be more attractive or lascivious they dusted their hair with gold powder. Maybe it all started then.
maybe it was. very very up lifting and you may have come up with something then. well thanks for the input.

Ellie Retrophilia said:
I've always wondered how the stereotype started that blondes have more fun, blonde being ditzy or dumb or what have you. Some stereotypes attached to blondes aren't exactly positive so I've wondered how it all started. I found out that only 16% of American women are born blonde. During the Roman Empire only prostitutes had blonde hair and if the women of nobility wanted to be perceived to be more attractive or lascivious they dusted their hair with gold powder. Maybe it all started then.
My natural haircolor is brown. I find that I get a different type of admirer than when I was blonde. When I was blonde, I would get noticed first. Something about it, stands out in a crowd. Unless you're in South OC and then you're just one Barbie of a thousand. LOL! I think the most fun I have is when I'm a redhead. You still get that wow look at her instant flash, yet you get a certain type of man calling on you. Usually someone with a bit more substance than your average jock. So, my favorite haircolor? Black and red. LOL! That way I get a little bit of both worlds!
Personally my hair is almost jet black to start with so even if I wanted to go blonde I couldn't. That said I have never had any trouble attracting attention from anyone, no matter if I am dressed up or down. I think it all depends on your confidence and self esteem. And what does hair color matter anyway? Every woman is beautiful, no matter what!
I agree that being blond gets you noticed faster. The only reason I know is that I tried to go brunette for a while and noticed a big difference. I quickly found out that blond hair is my own personal identity- I never got used to the brunette in the mirror! lol Needless to say I couldn't wait to be blond again after that expirience.
I can say that being a red head I get ton of attention. We tend to stand out. I went blonde once and didn't like it. I was treated like a child alot by men. I am not helpless!

I love being a red head and certainly am a ton of fun. But I do think it depends on the girl. I have seen blondes fall through the cracks because they just don't draw attention to themselves.
i had my bangs blonde.. and the rest red... i guess my blonde had funn!
a little too much fun... the blonde was there for 4 years... this fall i said, STOP HAViNG TOO MUCH FUNN!!!, blonde!
so i went to a full head of red.... now i cant stop myself... i'm overboard with Red head fun!!!
xoxo Soda Shop Sue
Red heads and Jet black haired girls ...... Make me drool... haha
I have dark brown hair and have never dyed my hair nor do I want to. I'm very happy with my natural color. I know an equal amount of guys that are into blondes, brunettes and redheads. But like many of the ladies have said on here its not about the haircolor, sure it might rope the fellas in but once they get there its all about who you are=)

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