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OKay you all know the saying "blonds have more fun." but is that true? I want to hear what you ladies and guys have to say. So do blonds have more fun? Or do dark haired or red heads?

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Blonds are the greatest!

I have never been anything other then blonde so I don't know if we have more fun. All I can say is that I have fun and love being blonde!
I've been blonde most of my life but I've died my hair black, brown, and now currently red. I'm having too much fun being a redhead! But really, it's all how you work it. Everyone has different taste so I guess it's great to have variety. I have just as much fun now as I did a blonde! I think that's a myth ;)
I can only speak for myself when I say, Brunettes have the most fun! But honestly, I'd have to say, that the hair color does not make the woman...xoxo
I dyed my naturally brown hair blonde when I was in h.s. When I went back to brunette, I discovered that I felt better and had more fun with my natural color. It just depends on the girl. :)
what I have noticed is that when you have blond hair you do get noticed more quickly, and in my experience more guys bothered me. I didn't feel it was necessarily very positive attention. But I love my hair how it is and I get the best comments :)
I'm a natural brunette, mostly a blond, but I love color. Pink, blue, green, purple, black, red, I've tried them all. And I do feel most "natural" in blond, but as for having more fun, I think it's all in how you work it.
I feel most fun as a redhead, personally :)
Funnily enough, I forced my hair to become blonde through a prolonged intensive period of bleaching that would be illegal were you to do it on another person. i loved the outcome but bloody hell, I noticed the difference in peoples reactions - by people, I mean men.

I could leave the house wearing my pjs and a hoodie, no make up, looking rubbish, and i d get all kinds of attention! Even popping down to the garage to get f***, I'd get men checking me out, whistling etc. Most unnerving. And as a brunette only getting same kind of reaction when on my way for a night out, all dolled up.
Going out in said pjs and hoodie nowadays - well I may as well be a man... and not an attractive one either! Weirrrrrrddddd.
lol thank you all ladies that have replyed to this silly discussion. see i had a lamp shade that posed that question and since i am stuck at home i felt like starting a conversation about it. lol. and its kinda like do gentalmen pefer blonds? i guess am no gentalman. see lol what catches my attention are the dark hair ladies. am just saying. so yeah thats were i stand. lets keep this goin. lol.
I have been blonde, redhead and brunette, and I just have to say I got way more action as a brunette

it depends on what kind of fun your talking about, heee. i dont know. im a dark brown and i have fun!
Hmm.. I think I need to make a reference to the oh-so-famous 80's song: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!! :D

I agree with Betty Sue.. Hair color does not make the woman ;) We're just all around fun anyway! haha

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