"We Are The New Vintage"
I've found it... and it's not even a lipstick.
For a long time now, I've struggled to find the perfect "Pinup Lipstick". I've googled, read discussions here, and asked everyone I know.
There were reccommendations based on skin tone, luster, etc... but I had SO many problem with my skin tone clashing, smearing on my teeth, fading, BLEEDING, feathering... UGH. The best advice came from Lauren Luck :) ... her favorite brand and color served me well. I STILL, though, no matter what I did, had to keep reapplying all the time.
I even bought a red liner AND a clear liner, and would double-line... red on my lips, clear on the skin rim around my lips... to double-protect it. No luck. Still bled.
Today, I made a breakthough! It's cheap, too!!!
It's, surprisingly, that Covergirl Outlast Lipstain. I was skeptical, and got FOUR colors to try. I figured the one called "Scarlet Pucker" would be the most red, since the tube was redder, but the one called "Wild Berry Wink" was actually SUPER red on my skin tone.
Here's the seller on it: Once you put it on, it combines with your skin to deepen in color. It's not a fake, painted-on red... it's the red you find in a Elvgren or something. It looks... like the most natural lipstick you've ever worn. It doesn't wipe off on your straw, or disappear when you eat. It doesn't bleed down your face. It doesn't need a liner. It stays, and stay, and stays.
I'm in love.
Now, I have learned a few things with it. Number one, you need to put it on carefully. If you're in the car, and you hit a bump... that line that went astray will be there ALL day. Do it once, and do it right!
Number two... you still need to watch how close it gets to your teeth before it dries. I do the "finger-pull" through the lips, just to get the excess off, still. Until it dries, it will stain. Even with the cleanest teeth... if you are careless, you will stain the creases of your teeth. It will look like stained plague, even if you just flossed.
Last thing-- Number three-- you have to take care of your lips. If you have chapped lips, it's going to look messed up. It's YOUR lips that show through... not a painted glossy finish to hide them. So a little carmex, a little conditioning, and a little love is needed. It just makes you take better care and be more consicious of your lips.
BUT... if you do it right and let it dry... it's amazing.
The wonderful thing is that you can wear it alone... and it's like you're wearing nothing on your lips! If you want... you can add a chapstick for shine. AND... if you want super gloss... you just add lip gloss on top! You can change the look up a bunch of different ways with ONE red.
I will probably use regular lipsticks for photoshoots, but I couldn't find an everyday lip color. I found an everyday-red for me... and I wanted to share my success and see if it works for anyone else!!!
(Above: My lipstain, after a bit of wear! Still awesome! I just topped it off with some gloss and BAM! Ready to go!)
HAHA... thank you! I do love those earrings. :)
And I got four colors, standing in front of the display... thinking "I'll spend the money and review it, and save someone else the money." LOL... it's so funny that you said that.
All of the colors come out a lot darker on the lips than I expected. Even the lightest had a darker effect... it's because it takes the pink in your lips, wets it, and then darkens it.
Glad to help! You see it on ME (a real person in a cell phone pic, not a model) first-hand! :)
Target has it's own red?!?! *faints*
I'm a self-diagnosed targaholic.
Holy crap thats sexy as FXXK!
THAT is a traffic stopping red right there, whoo whoo!
Target has it's own red?!?! *faints*
I'm a self-diagnosed targaholic.
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