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I am interested in finding out if there are any "plus size" (oh god how I hate that term - sorry!) pin-up models here and how they got started in pin-up modelling.

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That was fricken hilarious! I want to shop in the "Beautifully Bloated" section as well. lol

Miss Chelsea Moaning said:
What a great question! We should find a better word for us curvy ladies! I for one would like to walk into a department store and saunter over to the.... Big ol' Titties and Luscious Butt section. I'm no model, but right now I think is a great time to start. People 's eyes are opening up to the idea of curvier women, and it appears even the popular fashion magazines are featuring curvier women. People like what's different and new, and this has been a trend before and it's becoming a trend again. Take advantage!
I love your section names!! Would much rather go shopping in department stores if they renamed plus size to 'Big ol' Titties' (or hows about 'Fabulous Bangers' ) and Luscious Butt section.. great idea!! xx

Miss Chelsea Moaning said:
What a great question! We should find a better word for us curvy ladies! I for one would like to walk into a department store and saunter over to the.... Big ol' Titties and Luscious Butt section. I'm no model, but right now I think is a great time to start. People 's eyes are opening up to the idea of curvier women, and it appears even the popular fashion magazines are featuring curvier women. People like what's different and new, and this has been a trend before and it's becoming a trend again. Take advantage!
I got into pin-up modeling about 5 years ago when I started my company Dancin' Doll Clothing. I'm a one person operation and working to expand little by little. I started my business because there weren't enough "pinup" lines that actually made clothes for curvy girls. So the modeling went hand in hand with the designing. I was the curviest gal I knew so I made it work!

I'm proud to say I'm a size 16 model and I just did my first swimsuit and lingrie shoot 2 days ago! They hired me because they said they could see the confidence and grace I had in my pictures and they wanted to photograph a plus size model that wasn't afraid of who she was or what she had! After the shoot the photog said it was the first shoot he had had in a while where he could just sit back and click pictures without having to beg for a decent pose.

If you feel confident and beautiful other ppl will see that same beauty.
I guess the hardest thing for me is the confidence thing.
I would love to do swim suit and lingerie shoots, I'm just uncomfortable with my body.
it's hard to exude sexiness and confidence when you don't feel either, you know???
TRUST ME lol I know!! I almost backed out of the shoot...but my Hubby said sOmething about my chunky thighs :( and I thought to myself... I'LL SHOW HIM CHUNKY THIGHS!! I had to muster up every ounce of courage and every beautiful thought I could find and in the end I actually felt great! The photog kept encouraging me and telling me I looked great and was doin great and lol IT FELT GREAT!! lol you'll get there.

Miss Nikki Sin said:
I guess the hardest thing for me is the confidence thing. I would love to do swim suit and lingerie shoots, I'm just uncomfortable with my body. it's hard to exude sexiness and confidence when you don't feel either, you know???
I think thats the only thing holding me back. its not easy when my family talks down to me about my weight. lol...
its kinda lame.
Like the unflattering low-rise jeans, that are so low on some girls that it is actually rude for them to sit down!

I like to see curvier women who are comfortable with their bodies, there is nothing sexier on the planet!

LadyT:.:^v^:.:aka Honey Graves said:
Of course RETAIL wise 12 and up, I guess I figured back in the day females took a more voluptuous, curvy silhouette and having a little bit of stomach was nothing short of the norm. Also a time when clothing started at your natural waist line, not this super low or low risers nonsense we have today. So naturally the way we size women of today is different. All in all if its in the name of beauty that all that matters.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Plus sized is considered US size 12 and up. Though personally, I consider size 14 and up plus sized (as you can buy size 12 in the Juniors department)

I'm no model, but I'm most definitely plus sized @ size 16-18. ;) I get my "size" knowledge from my years of retail experience and my YEARS of making clothing. :)

LadyT:.:^v^:.: said:
I second you on this question and I raise you a....... What size is considered a plus size pin up model? I know to be considered a pin up model you have to be curvaceous but i guess what would you consider the norm size if there even is one!?
I have discovered, while shooting girls for my line and during the recent VLV fashion show, that my clothes do not look nearly as good on skinny models. None of the models I use are considered "thin" enough to be fashion models. Even Shelby (size 4!) was told once she was too big! And she is by far the tiniest model I use! I love that I have models that run the range of sizes.
Miss Rockwell De Vil said:

Now, some of you may think that I have no right in this topic, that my 2 sense don't count BUT I have curves and I am a model, and I DO work with several wonderfully curvy woman.
But we Rockabilly dames have a far better advantage. Our designers KNOW we have curves. Real woman do, afterall, so they have made their designs with you in mind.
i'm "plus size"...
its funny cause i'm not that SUPER small frame, but i FIT plus size clothing, BUT i have a hard time picking up modeling deals with plus sized companies cause i am not overly big, and larger girls 'wont relate'...
i'm a plus size pinup, who "doesnt look plus sized"... what the heck?
I know just what you mean I'm a size 10 but just bought a pair of size 8 shorts and no I didn't squeze in them lol! It's honestly confusing, and dressing rooms are a must I think it's were it falls on your waist or something because I also have a pencil skirts that are a size 7 my waist is 32.5 in and my hips is 39.5 all I do know is this, people consider me plus size. I say be happy with our curves I know I sure am!

Soda Shop Sue said:
i'm "plus size"...
its funny cause i'm not that SUPER small frame, but i FIT plus size clothing, BUT i have a hard time picking up modeling deals with plus sized companies cause i am not overly big, and larger girls 'wont relate'...
i'm a plus size pinup, who "doesnt look plus sized"... what the heck?
I have actually learned to love my curves through pinup modeling. I model for Vintage Suits by Mary and have found that when clothes are cut perfectly for your body not only do you look and feel thinner but you are actually comfortable in the clothing! I am about a modern size 10 and I have a 29" waist and 41" hips. Fitting into pretty much anything that is "new" from any department stores is rather disappointing. I have turned to vintage clothing as well as new retro styled clothes because over all they just fit better. Over the years I have embraced the body I have and outfit myself to what fits and not what is in fashion. I actually had a skinny friend tell me recently that she was envious how I filled out my clothes! That's one for the books! :)
I guess I fall into the plus-size category atm; I wear anything between a 8-10, with the occasional 12 being thrown into the mix. I've got a lot of extra skin after weight loss surgery, so that makes finding a good fit a challenge!

I want to lose some more weight because I'm doing burlesque but I never want to lost my curves!

I do need to work on the confidence thing a LOT!

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