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I am interested in finding out if there are any "plus size" (oh god how I hate that term - sorry!) pin-up models here and how they got started in pin-up modelling.

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First off Why do you hate the term?

Im a Photographer who Is a BBW/Plus Size Pinup & Fetish Model.

I was a artist Model first Modeled so Much that I became a Photographer


VoLuPtuOuS... Whatever shape a woman is or isn't it doesn't matter as long as we are healthy and take care of our selves inside and out, any woman can be a Pin up!

voluptuous  (vəˈlʌptjʊəs) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. relating to, characterized by, or consisting of pleasures of the body or senses; sensual
2. disposed, devoted, or addicted to sensual indulgence or luxurious pleasures
3. provocative and sexually alluring, esp through shapeliness or fullness: a voluptuous woman
I am and honestly I just started looking for a photographer I was comfortable with then I found a site that promotes plus sized models if you have a facebook look up ample bunniez the owner has a ton of diffrent sites for plus sized models

We feel the question is moot, with the right photographer and stylist it doesn't matter what size you are.At OldSchoolPinUps it doesn't matter if you are a size 2 or 22, you can be an official OldSchoolPinUp. Check out our site, ALL OldSchoolPinUp women look fantastic because we accent the positive.  At OldSchoolPinUps any woman can be the PinUp of their dreams. Only OldSchoolPinUps features the Styling of Burlesque Legend Trixie Lane, only OldSchoolPinUps features the photography of Lance Wagner, with 30+ years experience in commercial and editorial photography. Only OldSchoolPinUps provides a complete make over including hair make up and even wardrobe for all sizes. We use all our years of professional experience to produce the highest quality pin up photography for you and our Pin Ups of all sizes.

I'm considered "Plus-size". You just have to find what works for you. I've never been a stick, and I never will be. Even at my "ideal weight" (which I am not at), I'll still be considered plus-size... it's just the way my body is. My hips are big, my chest is big, my shoulders are wide... I even wear a size 9 shoes.


It's also hard to find anything vintage in a size like mine, because they simply didn't MAKE IT. People will turn up their nose and say "Well, back then people weren't so overweight." But I say HECK to that. People were SMALLER! Their bone structure, their feet, their height... all smaller. We are bigger, as people.


I think that girls like me make BEAUTIFUL models though. Super thin girls were NOT what was painted on planes... it was those curvy, bombshell girls. They had meat on the bone... people have lost that understanding in our society.


The trick is to find clothing for photos, etc. that make you FEEL beautiful. Let's face it... they don't MAKE it to fit bigger girls, so we struggle.  We don't live in a society were clothing is made custom... so we try to all fit into "pre-set" sizes.


When you finally find something that fits you and flatters you... we glow and our curves shine and we radiate. I think that's not something you can "create" in photoshop.


Moral of the story? Celebrate your curves, and work to make a society where "thin is in" work for YOU. You'll end up way ahead-- and heck! Maybe we'll even change society. Obviously, what's "beautiful" evolves.

Curves are what pin-up is all about! When I see a super-skinny "skin and bones" girl in pin-up I just want to make her a sandwich.
I'm not a model (not yet, anyway) but I do like to dress in vintage style. I am heartened that it's easy to find pinup styles that suit my waist, hips, and butt...I just wish there were more options for chest size! I know a lot of women in my size range (14-16) have a big chest, but I'm definitely not one of them. I'm a high A-low B cup depending on brand and my chest is also pretty high- meaning that either the dresses are way too low cut and baggy and I have to alter them to be able to wear them and not be obscene, or I'm straining at the buttons because the shirt or dress has its boob allowance about three inches too low. I feel like I could feel a lot better about my size if I had that classic hourglass figure and the boobs to match, but oh well...good thing I can sew.

As a pinup photographer, I welcome ladies of ALL sizes and shapes.  Being a good pinup model has nothing to do with size; it's all about confidence and the willingness to commit (to pinup style, posing, etc.).  There is nothing more awesome than to see one of my "curvy" models (or clients) embracing her own beauty and sensuality during a shoot.  Work what ya got, girls!!! 


-Tina Tang

Parris Blue Productions

the thing with sizes is, they've changed through the years. the numbers get smaller, todays 4 is yesterdays 6. etc. plus, look at how pants have changed. girls used to wear higher pants that set on their waist, which is obviously smaller than their hips. pants now are low and have to be bigger to fit hips. so if I wore my pants on my waist, i'd be a size 9. However, my hips are large, so I'm a size 12-14.


I have no problem being labeled plus, but the category is flawed. some people in the modeling industry are just stupid about it. I've seen a photographer tell a girl who was size 6 that she should do plus size work.


I think people should just get over it. and there should be just one size category: Hot as s***. :D

i being a size 14 have never really thought of myself as plu sized but in the modeling and fashion world you are. i fit my body shape curvy and i am 5'8 so it all fits. i have been pin up modeling for 5 years and to me i just did it. mind you i had to make sure to bring most of my own clothes to shoots cause most of the studios dont have a size 14 or a corset to fit my boobs. but i make it work. wome 40 years ago where curvier they had more meat on their bones. the orginal pin ups where curvy not deathly skinny like much of the media shoves down our throats.

just make sure you have the right size clothes and a good photog that can take good pics. i know my good sides and i know how to work my body to fit what ever theme setting i am in.


i hope this helped! good luck!!

I took some professional pics that I could own myself and started submitting them to online sites. Make sure you read what the site is looking for first. Sometimes plus size means something different to someone else. Model Mayhem (Hate me for saying this...sorry) is another place to start. This link may help you too.

Keep your pics fresh and professional. Pinups are fun pics as well. :)

Good Luck!

From what I have learned a size 12+ is considered a plus size.


I am one of those "Bodacious" girls, though not a pinup model (though I would love to) I do do pinup photography and work with women of all sizes. I love a curvier woman for sure, I have recently lost 30lbs and am still working on it. I have been the range of sizes from a size 20 in High School to a 9 just out of school back to a 20 after 2 pregnancies and now a 16 and working on going smaller. It is comforting to see more full figured woman in magazines and modeling, it helps me feel more comfortable in my own skin.

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