"We Are The New Vintage"
Has anyone tried Bacon Salt? It's vegetarian! I want real-world opinions on it.
Purina offers free ringtones on their Web site... including the Beggin' Strips "Only one thing smells like bacon, and that's baconnnn!" sound byte!
The best bacon you will ever eat is bacon you make yourself. It's not that hard.
I make my own bacon because it taste better, it's cheaper and it doesn't have all the phosphates and nitrate.
WARNING! Food pr0n ahead!
I present to you: the Peanut Butter Bacon Burger!!! [click picture for bigger and more delicious version]
Someone call the paramedics 'cos yessiree, this is how I'm going out!
That's.... that's just... that ain't right. And yet, I want to taste it!
Well, I've had...
- promise you'll still be my BFFFFFFFFFFFFFF <3<3<3 ?
bacon, peanut butter and banana grilled sandwiches.
More than once.
So adding the hamburger isn't really a stretch for me.
In fact, I'm thinking that the addition of feta cheese might enhance the whole experience quite nicely.
Wink Holliday said:That's.... that's just... that ain't right. And yet, I want to taste it!
I love PB&B(anana), and some bacon on there doesn't seem outrageous. Maybe I'm just hungry...
Here's a little something I want to do sometime soon:
Boil & mash potatoes.
Add cheese. Parmesan would be good, I think.
Roll into balls. Stuff a little cube of cold butter into the centre of each ball.
'Fridge to firm up.
Dip in batter. And bread crumbs, why the hell not.
Deep fry.
Consume, occasionally thumping on chest to maintain regular heartbeat.
I present to you: Paula Deen's Deep Fried Butter Balls
lurve lurve bacon. serch around for local farmers, i know there is a free range piggy out there that has had a long happy free life and wants to be your tasty treat.
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