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Hey All!

I am a new shop owner in Moss Landing, CA and I am currently offering vintage clothing, jewelry, and accessories. I will have a website up soon. I would REALLY like to eventually include services for the pinup lifestyle too, such as studio work, workshops, socials (with champaign, of course), and motorcycle/car shows. I will be bringing in Chola/Cholo fashions as well, for my Los Pachucos brethren and sistren. Anyone else interested in bringing it home and making it real with me?

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If you need someone to do your website, you should try They are working on mine and it's coming out cutie patootie! They specializes in vintage and pinup girly things
let me know if you would like to carry any of my items in your store! my family lives in Monterey county and i drive over to visit them very often. and therefore could always bring samples over for you to see in person at your shop if you are interested :)
my boyfriend and i also can do pin up parties. he is a photographer(flathead fotos).
message me if you are interested or want more details :)
Miss Kitten,

I would LOVE to see your work and talk about getting some items for sale. Maybe we can connect the next time you are in the area. I am flexible and can meet you pretty much whenever you'd like. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

Krafty Kitten Clothing said:
let me know if you would like to carry any of my items in your store! my family lives in Monterey county and i drive over to visit them very often. and therefore could always bring samples over for you to see in person at your shop if you are interested :)
my boyfriend and i also can do pin up parties. he is a photographer(flathead fotos).
message me if you are interested or want more details :)
Miss Pinky, Thank you so much for your tip.

The Black Label Design Studio is a GREAT publisher! LOVE their work! said:
If you need someone to do your website, you should try They are working on mine and it's coming out cutie patootie! They specializes in vintage and pinup girly things

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