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This may be the case now, but it's my thought that with the introduction of the new MySpace many of you will be making the transition off of Facebook and back to a platform built for marketing yourselves as a brand. Sure, the spam in your inbox will continue but they have built tools to allow you to block bulletins etc from people in this new version. The addition of a social stream is also a plus.

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Wow, guess I might want to log back on to myspace and check it out.
I was on there just a few days ago. My inbox was scary, to say the least. It seems like Myspace is trying too hard to be like Facebook. I can't say their changes have me convinced to fully go back.
I check my Myspace every now and then, and I've seen the new layout. I like it, but its nothing so extreme and streamline that I'm going to go running back.
It's alright, but I dont think there will be a migration back to Myspace anytime soon
It's definitely trying too hard to be like facebook
I still prefer the simplicity of facebook better. Perhaps thats what myspace now lacks. You talk to people and keep in touch instead of just building up this image. Much more "real".
ROFLMAO! I love that little Jpg. herra funny
Im really excited about it.
I hate Facebook, I'm not gonna lie, it's limiting, complicated at times, boring to look at doesn't let people show any creativity at all. We all built up these great profiles, with many many friends then had to re-add all of these people on facebook just because that was the "cool thing to do." And a lot of people, I can't even find on facebook. I have to censor myself because my whole dang family is on FB... I miss Myspace and I say it all the time. HOWEVER, I just so happened to log in right before I logged onto PL and I saw the new layout and my heart broke. Not only, like everyone said, is it trying to be like FB but they haven't even perfected the photo albums yet, I tried looking at several peoples pictures, including my own to only get arrows to click "next" and to see bits of the photo pop up in another spot on the page. Sigh... I miss the old myspace. But I'm sure when the new social network comes along I'll say I miss FB.... progression isn't always a good thing when it comes to profile making.... ugh!

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