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What was the last modern vintage movie you watched and what did you think?

*By modern vintage I mean a modern movie set in vintage times*

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I LOVE Mrs. Henderson Presents. The opening titles are breathtaking (but that's the nerdy graphics girl in me coming out to play).

The last one I watched set in ye olden times was "The Fall" - set in 1920s California, but the story WITHIN the story is an amazing surrealistic exploration of humankind. Man, you guys should really go rent this film. The costuming is amazing, and again the title credits sequence is INCREDIBLE. I rewatched the title sequence 3 times. THREE TIMES! Lee Pace, the cute guy from Pushing Daisies, stars in the film.
I'm goin' to look this up! Thanks for the tip!

Miss Jess said:
I LOVE Mrs. Henderson Presents. The opening titles are breathtaking (but that's the nerdy graphics girl in me coming out to play).

The last one I watched set in ye olden times was "The Fall" - set in 1920s California, but the story WITHIN the story is an amazing surrealistic exploration of humankind. Man, you guys should really go rent this film. The costuming is amazing, and again the title credits sequence is INCREDIBLE. I rewatched the title sequence 3 times. THREE TIMES! Lee Pace, the cute guy from Pushing Daisies, stars in the film.
Back to the Future is definitely one of my faves!
I really enjoyed Ray the other day there- the feel and sets recreation in the film were amazing- like in Walk The Line. Made me nostalgic for touring the States in a bus (not that I've ever experienced that...!)
In terms of visuals I really enjoyed The Black Dahlia, despite the rubbish story crafting.

Far From Heaven is awesome too. Totally recommend that one.
For those of you who are into Hong Kong/Foreign/Asian Cinema. This movie is one of my recent favorites. Directed by Alexi Tan (Not John Woo), it is set in 1930's Shanghai, China and as the following article points out is "incredibly stylish". If you love retro with a Chinese slant, or gangster movies, then this is a good rental choice. It's received mixed reviews, but I still love the look of this flick! Enjoy!

Oh and Pearl Harbor also comes to mind.
I finally got to watch Mrs. Henderson presents. Great movie, not quite what i thought it would be, but I really liked it.

In the Mood for Love and 2046 are Hong Kong films set in a vintage setting.
I looove Down With Love and Reefer Madness - the musical movie. If you haven't seen Reefer Madness you must! Apart from being utterly hilarious it has some great costumes and is alot of naughty fun!
I too just saw The Aviator, Hollywoodland, and Leatherheads all recently. I also love the Black Dahlia and Ms. Pettigrew.
Since we are reviving this thread, I don't get to watch movies so much these days cuz o' school and stuff, but I saw The Edge of Love. It was set during WWI England. This one had Sienna Miller, Kiera Knightley and Cillan Murphy (the guy from 28 Days with the very pretty blue eyes). So the movie not so great but the costuming was fabulous and the make-up was excellent.

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